Social Services Counseling

Contact Us

UHS Social Services Dept, 2222 Bancroft Way #2280 (2nd floor), Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 642-6074
Front Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9-11:45 am & 1-4 pm
Remote Calls: 8 am-5 pm 

Appointments: Please leave a voicemail at (510) 642-6074 to schedule an intake or a return appointment. Please note: Social Services staff might call you back using an unknown phone number or blocked number, so please make sure your phone is not automatically blocking our calls. 

Nutrition Services: For general nutritional concerns/meeting with a Registered Dietician, please leave a message with Social Services at (510) 642-6074. 

Eating Disorder (ED) Clinic: Please call (510) 643-7110 to schedule a medical visit, or call Social Services to schedule a counseling and/or nutrition appointment related to ED. 

Medical Withdrawal: If you have questions or want to submit documentation regarding medical withdrawal, please email or call (510) 642-6074.

aerial view in UHS atrium

Compassionate, specialty counseling

Our topic-specific confidential counseling services aim to help students strengthen coping skills, problem-solve, and identify resources. Social Services is open to all registered UC Berkeley students regardless of their insurance plan. 


Please leave a voicemail at (510) 642-6074 to schedule an intake or a return appointment. 

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Social Services offers a range of alcohol and other drug-related services, supporting a spectrum of harm reduction goals for individuals and our campus community. 

Chronic Medical Condition or New Diagnosis

Chronic medical conditions are not uncommon, even in a university setting.  Pain, fatigue, flares, and medication side effects can impact one’s functioning and affect one’s mood. In these situations, Social Services staff offer emotional support, problem-solving, and referrals to campus and community resources, as appropriate.  

Eating Disorder and Body Image Counseling

UHS has comprehensive services to help address this common college-aged issue. 


Registered dietitians at UHS provide medical nutrition therapy and nutrition education. 

Students who are looking for wellness coaching may prefer to schedule a free appointment with a health coach

Pregnancy Resources and Referrals

If you are pregnant, Social Services can provide emotional/resource support around decision-making, next steps, and more. Please contact the UHS Social Services office to set up an appointment.

See Pregnancy Options: Medical, Counseling, and Educational Services >

Relationship Violence, Stalking, or Other Violence  

Social Services staff works with students who have experienced harm (physical, sexual, emotional, etc.) in a relationship. Our counselors can also provide support and psychoeducation to students who have caused injury. People who care about each other may still inflict pain on one another with words or actions; it is an unhealthy attempt to control the other person. Counselors will work with students to take a look at behaviors, offer emotional support and resources, and develop a change plan if desired.  

Sexual Health

UHS offers a full array of services for students to promote their sexual health and wellness. Social Services offers support to students whose sexual health concerns have begun to impact their mental, emotional, and relational health. We provide confidential, brief therapy and referrals to other campus or community resources.  

In recent years post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) have provided another resource for the prevention of HIV infection. Our staff works closely with UHS medical providers to support students in deciding if starting this regimen is the right choice for them.

MSM Work 

"MSM" is an acronym commonly used by medical providers to refer to "men who have sex with men."  This includes trans* and cisgender men of various sexual orientations (ie bisexual, gay, queer, pansexual, etc).  Social Services has counselors trained to provide affirming and confidential support for the health and wellness needs of students who are MSM. This may include brief, individual therapy, group therapy, and/or referral to other campus and community resources. 

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence encompasses a wide range of non-consensual behaviors including unwanted or coerced sexual behavior, harassment (cyber assaults), stalking, and rape. Social Services strives to provide a safe environment for supportive, non-judgmental counseling, advocacy, resources, and referral information. We are a confidential campus resource.  

Transgender / Gender Diverse Counseling

If you would like to meet with a counselor experienced in working with trans and gender-diverse people, you can also call to schedule an appointment at (510) 642-9494 and let staff know your preference/needs. Staff will direct you to a counselor who can meet your needs. We offer a wide range of counseling and mental health services and programs to help you with personal, academic, career, and health-related issues, as well as urgent help for crisis concerns.