We aim to ensure transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse students receive the highest quality care in a supportive, respectful space.
UHS Transgender Care Feedback Form - We'd like your feedback! The UHS Transgender and Gender Diversity Care Team is continually looking for ways to improve the services, programs, and care that our students receive. Please use this form to tell us about your experiences and any suggestions for improvements.
Medical Services
Key services include appropriate cancer screening (PAPs, prostates, and more), STD screening, hormone therapy (testosterone or estrogen, testosterone blockers, etc.), and coordination of care and outside referrals.
Since each person has a different story and may be at a different stage in their transition, we suggest you make an appointment with one of the Trans and Gender Diverse Care Team clinicians (list below). This allows us to get to know you, review your medical history, and work with you to get you the assistance you need.
If you are considering hormone therapy, we strongly recommend learning more about starting testosterone or starting estrogen or testosterone blockers, etc. before your medical visit to help you identify issues you would like to review with your clinician.
Primary Care
Need assistance navigating our Primary Care services for Trans and Gender Diverse Students?
- Call Clinic 3 at (510) 643-7110 and ask to speak with the clinic nurse. The clinic nurse can arrange an appointment and prepare you for your visit.
- You can self-schedule using the eTang portal. To be able to self-schedule a trans/gender diverse care telemedicine appointment, you must have one of the trans/gender diverse care clinicians listed as your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Take a look at the clinicians list below and identify someone you would like to make your appointment with (this can always be changed).
- Once you have chosen a clinician, go onto the eTang portal and make them your Primary Care Provider (PCP). In the eTang portal go to “Profile," then under “Current Primary Care Provider” click on “Edit.” This will allow you to search for the name of the chosen clinician. Once you have designated your PCP, you will be able to self-schedule on the eTang portal.
Mental Health Counseling
University Health Services has many counselors (see list below) who have experience working with Transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse students. To make an appointment with a TCT provider, call the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) front desk at (510) 642-9494. You can request to meet with a TCT counselor, or with a queer-identified UHS counselor
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a wide range of counseling and mental health services to support you around academic, personal, career, and health-related concerns, while also addressing your gender-related needs.
Social Services provides mental health counseling and support around substance use and dependence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and harassment, nutrition, pregnancy, sexual health, and medical concerns/conditions, while also creating space to navigate concerns related to your gender identity.
Health Insurance
The Trans and Gender Diverse Care Team at University Health Services is here to guide and support you through this process, ensuring that your surgery will have the best possible outcome. This takes time: our best piece of advice is to take your first steps at least 3-6 months before your hoped-for surgery date.
To understand your options on campus, regardless of insurance, see our Insurance Benefits for Transgender Students. For questions, you may also contact SHIP and ask for the SHIP Trans Care Benefits Coordinator.
Gender Recognition & Lived Name Changes in CalCentral
Starting October 2023, students can update their CalCentral account to provide the following:
- A lived name (which is a self-chosen personal and/or preferred professional first, middle, and last name used instead of a legal name);
- Select which name (lived or legal) they want each of their delegates to see; and
- Indicate their gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns.
It is important to note that unless there is an identified lived name, the name field will default to the legal name. Once you make these updates in CalCentral, this information will be synced across multiple University systems and you will see this reflected in your directory listing, bCourses, Google Workspace (bConnected, bCal, bMail, bDrive), Kaltura, and more. Learn more >
Edit chosen name, pronoun, and gender identity on eTang
Students have the option to edit their chosen name, pronouns, and gender identity via the eTang Patient Portal. This change is a direct result of student feedback and UHS is excited to make it a reality! To make changes to your profile, login to the eTang Patient Portal, click the 'edit' button to the right of your information, and select from a drop-down list. Visit this eTang name change page for more information and a picture how-to.
PLEASE NOTE: If you've set a preferred name in CalCentral, that will populate as your preferred name in the eTang Patient Portal. If you change your name in eTang, it will stay changed, but you'll have a different name from the preferred name listed on your campus account.
- Transgender Care: Additional Resources (On campus, off campus, and beyond)
- Transgender Care: For Parents and Family Resources
- In-Network Preferred Providers
- Preventive Health and Wellness
- UHS Transgender Care Feedback Form - We'd like your feedback! Our UHS Transgender and Gender Diversity Health Program Team is continually looking for how we can improve the services, programs, and care that our students receive. Please use this form to tell us about your experiences and any suggestions for improvements.
Need assistance navigating our Transcare services?
Call Clinic 3 at (510) 643-7110 and ask to speak with the clinic nurse. The clinic nurse can arrange an appointment and prepare you for your visit.
Primary Care
Allison Aiken, MD (she/her)
Anna Harte, MD (she/her)
Amy Hockenbrock, MD (she/her)
Katie Leach, FNP, MSN (she/her)
Deborah Simon-Weisberg, MD (she/her)
Sheng Hsu, NP (she/her)
Sandeep Lehil, NP (she/her)
Aimee Jacques, SHIP (she/her)
Mental Health Clinicians
Laura Alie, PsyD, Psychologist (she/they)
Mar Chung, PhD (they/he)
Denise Goitia, LCSW (she/her)
Tiffany Hsiang Lin, LCSW, Social Worker (she/her)
Jaiza Jones, LCSW, Social Worker (they/she)
Tobirus Newby, LCSW, Social Worker (he/they)
Darius Taylor, MSW (he/him)
Hez Wollin, LCSW (they/them)
Aurora Ortiz, NP (she/her)