UHS is committed to providing affirming care for all of our student communities. We encourage you to explore our resources for your holistic wellness and care. Our goal is to ensure LGBTQIA+ students receive the highest quality care in a supportive, respectful space.
UHS clinicians are committed to ensuring that LGBTQIA+ students receive the highest quality medical care in a safe, respectful space. Students can use the medical services at the Tang Center just as they would at their regular doctor's office and urgent care center. Our facility is fully accredited, and staffed by licensed and/or board-certified physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nutritionists, and nurses.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides individual counseling, couples counseling, group counseling. Whether or not you want to identify yourself as lesbian, gay, or bisexual is completely up to you. You may request to work with a queer-identified UHS counselor if helpful. All CAPS staff can provide support around:
- Academic and career concerns
- Coming out issues
- Experiences of homophobia
- Grief, loss, or abuse issues
- Issues related to HIV/AIDS
- Relationships and couples issues
- Stress management and resilience
Social Services provides confidential services and counseling to help students manage problems that can emerge from illness such as financial, academic, legal, family concerns, etc. Social Services staff specialize in helping students with:
- Alcohol and other drugs, including one's own or a family member's use
- Body image and disordered eating
- Chronic medical conditions, including new diagnoses
- Nutrition counseling
- Pregnancy resources and referrals
- Relationship violence, stalking, or other violence
- Sexual assault or harassment
- Sexual health, including issues relevant for men who have sex with men
Other LGBTQIA+ counseling services provided through UHS:
- Let's Talk: drop-in consultations every Monday from 3-5 pm virtually
- Queer support groups: view current CAPS and Social Services groups
The Trevor Project (866-488-7386) provides a free, 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline to LGBTQIA+ youth.
The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) offers a comprehensive medical, counseling, vision, and dental plan to all registered students and a separate dependent plan for domestic partners and/or children.
The Health Promotion unit offers:
- Health coaching appointments around LGBTQIA+ sexuality and sexual health concerns
- Free rapid HIV antibody testing through the Sexual Health Education Program's Sexpert Education Clinic
- Student-led sexual health workshops tailored to LGBTQIA+ issues through the Sexual Health Education Program
Other UHS services:
- Trans Health Care panels are offered in collaboration with the Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq).
In addition to concerns about general confidentiality, LGBTQIA+ patients often have concerns that their sexual orientation not be disclosed without their consent. We can reassure you that your appointments with clinicians, counselors, and other UHS staff are confidential. By law, your parents, friends, professors, coaches, and other school officials do not have access to your UHS records.
- Health Records: The only way that someone may know about your appointment is if you tell them, if you give us written permission to release information, or if we are required by legal directive.
- Counseling Records: Like medical records, these are protected by law. In addition, counseling records are kept separately from medical records.
Learn about our privacy practices, including how to file a complaint if you believe your privacy has been violated.
Would you like to give back? Then we want you!
- Promote health in your student living center as a Health Worker
- Conduct one-on-one and group sexual health education through the Sexual Health Education Program
- Represent LGBTQIA+ students or other student communities as part of the Student Health Advisory Committee
- See all volunteer opportunities
We welcome your input on how we can improve our services related to LGBTQIA+ patients.