In-Person Appointments
- Reasons for Primary Care Appointments
- How to make an appointment
- What kind of an appointment do I need
- How to make the most of your medical appointment
- Medical Home Model
- Gynecology Services
Phone & Video Appointments
To make a same-day Primary Care phone or video appointment:
- Log into the eTang patient portal
- Go to the Patient Profile and update your contact information
- Go to Medical Clearances and read and sign the clearance and consent forms
Instructions for phone appointments: The provider will call you at the number you provided when you scheduled your appointment. They may contact you 15 minutes before or up to 30 minutes after your scheduled appointment.
Instructions for video appointments: We are using Zoom for appointments. To access your appointment at the scheduled time, log in to the portal, check into your appointment, and join the Zoom meeting. Here are instructions on how to do this.
SHIP members can also access Teladoc - 24/7 virtual care
Students and dependents who are on SHIP can also access care through Teladoc. With Teladoc, you can see board-certified medical professionals for things like the flu, common colds, and more through your phone, tablet, or computer with internet access.
Medical Notes
- Verification of Illness - Please note that UHS clinicians are unable to give excuses for absences, missed exams, or assignments turned in late due to illness or injury. (You may wish to consider requesting a Confirmation of Visit if you would like documentation that you accessed UHS services on a particular date). Please go to Health Records on the second floor to complete and sign the Verification of Illness form. You can also fax the completed form to Health Record's secure fax line at (510) 642-180 or send a secure message through your UHS electronic health record to Health Records with a copy of the completed form attached to your message.
- Medical Withdrawals - Please note that UHS clinicians are unable to give excuses for absences, missed exams, or assignments turned in late due to illness or injury.