Sexual Health Care

Image of condoms

Healthy sexuality is an important part of overall wellness and means more than just sex and condoms.

It involves feeling informed and empowered to express your sexuality in a way that is consensual, respectful, and informed, and—ultimately—personally enriches your life.

Sexual health and sexuality are relevant to all of us - whether you’re a sexual novice, a sexpert, or abstinent. 

It doesn't matter whether you are single, dating, or in a relationship. It doesn’t matter how you identify yourself sexually. Sexuality is part of who you are, and healthy sexuality is important to your overall wellness. You should have as much information as possible to make informed choices about sexuality. The information and resources listed here can help you make healthy sexual choices now and in the future.

Get Informed

When it comes to making decisions about sex and sexuality, the best place to start is at the beginning. 

Getting informed about the basics of sexual health, and using this knowledge as a foundation from which you can start to build your definition of what healthy sexuality means to you.

Get Protected

Knowing how to protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is essential to your sexual health.

There is no way to have 100% risk-free sex, however, there are many steps you can take to substantially reduce your risks. Getting tested, using condoms and other barrier methods correctly, using birth control, and getting immunized against vaccine-preventable STIs are all ways to have safer sex. 

Get Tested

While learning about healthy sexuality may start with learning the basics about sex and sexual health, it should also include getting informed about your status: by getting tested.

Half of all sexually active people will get an STI by the age of 25, and nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. And even though many STIs are treatable (or even curable) if caught early on, most people with an STI don't have any symptoms at all, which means the infections can become more serious and can continue to spread to new partners.

If you're having sex, a key part of staying healthy is to get yourself tested. 

Additional Resources

UHS has compiled the following list of resources related to sexuality and sexual health to assist students in finding additional information, services, and support.

make a medical appointment medical eligibility medical hoursmedical home model at uhs meet the medical staff