Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that can be acquired during sexual or intimate contact. STIs are also sometimes referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Being familiar with both terms is useful since many students and some healthcare providers may still use both. It is important to understand that a person can be infected with an STI without showing symptoms of a disease.
STI symptoms vary by infection. Changes in odor, color, and texture of penile or vaginal discharge, as well as visible lesions, bumps, redness, itching, and tenderness, are common symptoms of some STIs. However, the most common symptom of an STI is to have no symptoms at all.
STIs are generally discussed in one of three categories: viral, bacterial, and other. The main difference between these categories is what causes them and how they are subsequently treated. The exchange of bodily fluids and skin-to-skin contact can spread STIs. Semen, blood (including menstrual blood), and vaginal secretions are the most likely to transmit STIs; fluids such as saliva, sweat, and urine are unlikely to transmit STIs, though they can still transmit some bacteria and viruses.
Learn more: Information on transmitting STIs by behavior(link is external)
Viral STIs
A virus causes viral STIs. Some viral STIs are treatable - though not curable - by taking antiviral medication; you can think of them as the gifts that keep on giving. Other viral STIs may resolve on their own, or with clinical treatment. Many of the more common viral infections start with the letter “H.”
Bacterial STIs
Bacterial STIs are caused by microorganisms called bacteria. Bacterial STIs can often be treated and cured with antibiotic medication. However, if you are re-exposed to bacterial STIs, you may be at risk for repeated infection. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two most common bacterial STIs.
Other STIs
Other STIs can be caused by living organisms. STIs under this category can be effectively treated and cured by using prescribed medication in the form of pills, ointments, or creams.