Do I need to comply?

All incoming and re-admitted students must satisfy, COVID-19 vaccine requirements, TB screening, and non-COVID immunization requirements as mandated by the UC Office of the President before the start of their first semester (FAQ). Failure to comply by the deadline will result in a late fee and a block of your enrollment in classes for the following semester. 

TB & Immunization Requirements are for all students who: 

  • Are starting a new degree-bearing program at UC Berkeley**, even if they previously attended UC Berkeley or another UC institution
  • Have withdrawn and are now returning or have been re-admitted to UC Berkeley
  • Are attending UC Berkeley as EAP/Reciprocity students for one or more semesters 

**Students enrolled in the Master of Information & Cybersecurity program and the Master of Information & Data Science program are exempted from these requirements. 

Students who have previously attended UC Berkeley

If you first attended UC Berkeley before Fall 2016, the immunization requirement at that time does not meet the current requirements. You will need to complete the new requirements. 

If you first attended UC Berkeley in Fall 2016 or later, check the "Medical Clearances" tab on eTang to verify which requirements are still compliant and which need to be revised. At a minimum, the TB Clearance requirement(s) must be completed again in almost all cases. 

Students who have previously attended another UC institution

We are not able to access or transfer the records you submitted to your previous UC institution. You will need to submit them personally via eTang


Medical exemption requests will be evaluated individually by the UHS Medical Director. Download the Medical Exemption Request form (from the Downloadable Forms page on eTang) and have it filled out and signed by your medical provider, then upload it to eTang under Downloadable Forms.

Religious exemption requests for MMR, Pertussis (Tdap), the Meningococcal conjugate, or Varicella vaccine requirements can be submitted via the Religious Exception Request Form on the eTang Downloadable Forms page. 

Personal exemptions for the immunization and TB Clearance requirements are not permitted. For more details, review the University of California Immunization Exemption Policy 

The seasonal/annual COVID-19 and influenza (flu) vaccines can be declined for any reason. Declinations can be submitted at the bottom of the Medical Clearances page by clicking 'Request an Exemption'. 
If you need assistance with the compliance process, please contact us.

Read more about the requirements from UHS Medical Director, Anna Harte