Healthy Meetings and Events
The University is committed to creating and sustaining a healthful, safe and inspiring place to live, work and study. The UC Berkeley Healthy Meeting & Event Guide represents a step toward that commitment by ensuring faculty, staff and students have access to healthy food and beverage choices at all campus-supported events serving refreshments.
Food & Beverage Choices Policy
This policy establishes nutrition standards for retail food service and markets, vending machines, Athletic concessions, and University-sponsored meetings and events to ensure accessibility of whole and fresh foods, provide healthier alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages, and engage positive communications promoting healthier choices.
It states that all university meetings and events with food or drink should include some nutritious and sustainable choices as outlined in the Healthy Meeting & Event Guide below.
UC Berkeley Healthy Meeting Guide
UC Berkeley is committed to ensuring healthier food and beverage options are available at campus meetings and events. The UC Berkeley Healthy Meeting & Event Guide provides you with guidance on including healthier food choices (whether you are using catering services, shopping at local stores, or hosting a potluck), tips to include activity breaks to help make meetings more productive, and additional resources for event planners. This latest version was created in 2018.
Eat Well Berkeley Catering Program
Find the list of participating caterers featuring healthy menu items and links to their menus.
Shopping Lists
For Berkeley Bowl, Trader Joe's, Safeway, and Whole Foods - These shopping lists give options for healthier foods that can be purchased at popular stores when providing refreshments at meetings and events.
Cook Well Berkeley
Cook Well Berkeley provides healthy recipes, including potluck recipes such as the watermelon cake, and a handout for healthy celebrations or potlucks.
Activity Breaks for Meetings & Events
The Activity Breaks page provides numerous resources for event planners, as well as anyone fitting activity and relaxation breaks into their day. Get specific tips, exercises, and videos for:
- Standing breaks for all types of meetings
- Stretch breaks
- Breathing/relaxation breaks
- Movement breaks, including Instant Recess
- Walking breaks, including walk 'n talk meetings
Lactation Room for Participants or Speakers
Meeting organizers can refer requests for the use of a lactation room to the Breastfeeding Support Program to register for access.
Zero Waste Events
Sustainable and Just Catering
- Sustainable and Just Catering (Berkeley Food Institute)
- Sustainable and Just Catering Guide
- Suggested Vendor List
Networking Resources for Campus Event Planners
Berkeley Events Network (BEN) - BEN is a professional networking group that provides information on resources, tips, and policies of interest to UC Berkeley event planners. To subscribe to the listserv, send an email to: berkeleyeventsnetwork-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
UC Berkeley Event and Meeting Planning Certificate Program - A training program for campus event planners offered by University Relations with seminar leaders from University Events and Ceremonies.
For Team Retreats
Be Well at Work Wellness Program can help you plan a healthy retreat by providing planning consultation or an instructor-led activity break. We also offer a hands-on cooking workshop for small groups of 10-12.
Contact us at (510) 643-4646 or Wellnessfacstaff@berkeley.edu.