Faculty/Staff Wellness

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Managers and Supervisors - Wellness at Work

Managers and supervisors have a role in creating a healthy work environment, supporting staff in achieving and maintaining healthier lifestyles, and addressing workplace health and safety issues. Be Well at Work - Wellness Program provides resources to give you the skills and tools you need.

Get started:

  1. Supporting Wellness at Work (pdf) - This one-page checklist provides managers and supervisors with simple steps for creating a safe and healthy workplace.
  2. Wellness Program - Current Calendar - Be familiar with the programs and resources offered each semester from Be Well at Work -- Wellness Program.
  3. Be Well at Work resources for managers and supervisors - One stop shop for all the resources available from Be Well at Work -- Faculty/Staff Health Programs to help managers and supervisors create a healthy work environment.  

Training for Managers and Supervisors

Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace is a  3-hour training for managers and supervisors available through the KEYS Risk Management Track. This training helps managers and supervisors with their role to create a safe and healthy work environment, support staff in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and address workplace health and safety concerns.  Developed and delivered by UHS: Be Well at Work -- Wellness Program and EH&S, this training is offered each semester through KEYS. Enroll through the UC Learning Center. 

Training and Workshops for Departments

Be Well at Work Programs offers training and consultation for departments.  

The Wellness Program offers the following programs for delivery in departments and/or for staff meetings. Your Wellness Ambassador is a valuable resource to help coordinate bringing wellness into your unit.

  • Activity breaks for meetings and events
  • Know Your Numbers Health Screening
  • Fitness -- Get Fit in 7 Minutes, Active at Work
  • Nutrition -- Eat Well at Work, Nutrition Essentials for Healthy Living
  • Hands-on cooking workshop 

Healthy Meetings and Events

Additional Resources:

Healthy Office Program

The Healthy Office Program offers supervisors:

  • Fact sheets to share with staff on wellness, stress management, computer ergonomics, back health, and office safety
  • Referrals to related campus resources

Supporting Active Lifestyles at Work

Supervisors and managers can create a healthy culture that enables staff to meet the minimum recommendation of being active 30 minutes a day most days of the week. For many, adding just 10 minutes of physical activity several times a day, or taking the stairs, is often the first step to building an active lifestyle. 

  • Activity breaks to make meetings more productive, for use in small office spaces, and for energy breaks. 
  • Stair signs can be posted in and around the office and near the stairs.
  • Also see: Supporting Wellness at Work (pdf), a one-page checklist with simple steps for managers and supervisors to create a safe and healthy workplace.

Wellness Ambassadors

  • Wellness Ambassadors are staff volunteers who help create a healthy workplace by assisting managers and supervisors to promote Wellness Program activities and resources.