Faculty/Staff Wellness

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Wellness Ambassadors

UC Berkeley Wellness Ambassadors are faculty and staff volunteers passionate about health and wellness and interested in helping create a safe and healthy workplace culture within their unit or department. Wellness Ambassadors commit as little as one hour monthly to promote Be Well at Work programs for faculty and staff.

Become a Wellness Ambassador Today!

You may sign up to become a Wellness Ambassador at any time! Complete the online registration form to apply. 

Program Benefits:

Becoming a Wellness Ambassador is not only a great way to support your fellow staff and faculty, but it is also a great way to:

  • Provide motivation to stay committed to your own health and wellness goals.
  • Enhance your communication and planning skills. 
  • Contribute to a healthy workplace and work culture and receive annual recognition.

To learn more about the program, explore the roles and responsibilities. 

Wellness Ambassadors Resources

The resources below include program materials designed to:

  • assist you in understanding your responsibilities as a Wellness Ambassador
  • introduce you to Be Well at Work Wellness programs and services for faculty and staff
  • provide you with additional resources to create a healthy workplace 

Workshops and Programs

Health Improvement Programs

 Healthy Campus Initiatives

Berkeley’s Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI) is the umbrella for new activities the campus is taking to improve the health and well-being of our campus communities. With so many students, staff, and faculty working on health and wellness efforts, it is an exciting time to engage in personal and community-level changes.  

Be Well at Work - Wellness Program strives to support UC Berkeley in becoming a healthier campus through programs, resources, strategies, and policies that address the environment to make the healthy choice the easy choice.