Faculty/Staff Wellness

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Photo of cooking class with registered dietitian in the front.

Cook Well Berkeley

For all things cooking on and around campus, Cook Well Berkeley is your portal to healthy cooking resources, recipes, shopping tips, and more.

Recipes & Resources 

Resources for Eating Locally

Community Resources

  • Berkeley Student Food Collective: A student-run co-op dedicated to providing fresh, healthy, environmentally sustainable, and ethically produced food at affordable prices.

Farmers' Markets

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

  • Sign up for a "share" of a farm's produce to receive regular deliveries (or local pickup). Some CSAs also offer additional farm products such as eggs or honey. Learn more and explore CSA options near you on the Local Harvest website

Web Resources

Group Cook-Alongs

Are you looking for a fun way to connect with your colleagues? We offer a 1-hour or 1 1/2-hour virtual "cook-along" for work units and staff organizations by request. The only cost of the class is the cost of groceries. See the video above for a preview.

Check with your work unit/department or staff organization to find out if there is enough interest (minimum 10 people). If yes, have one person complete the request form. You can request the time of day that works best for your group.

We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

UHS Cook Along Trailer