Recorded Programs and Webinars
Did you miss a virtual class or maybe you had so much fun you want to take it again? Recordings from our Be Well at Work - Wellness program are now available!
Visit our calendar page for a schedule of upcoming events. Additionally, feel free to explore the collection of our recorded programs below! For more of our virtual programs, visit our YouTube channel.
Cook Well Berkeley
Click the link to view the workshop recording! Recipes and handouts can be found in the YouTube video descriptions and on the Recipes by Class page.
- Holiday Treats (Fall 2024)
- Fall/Winter Seasonal Vegetables (Fall 2024)
- Quick & Easy Meals (Fall 2024)
- Plant-Based & Planet-Friendly (Spring 2024)
- Flavors Around the World (Spring 2024)
- Tasty Tofu 2 (Spring 2024)
- Holiday Treats (Fall 2023)
- Fall/ Winter Vegetables (Fall 2023)
- Cooking on a Budget 2 (Fall 2023)
- Plant-Based and Planet Friendly (Spring 2023)
- Spring Vegetables (Spring 2023)
- Tasty Tofu 1
- Holiday Treats (2022)
- Fall and Winter Seasonal Vegetables (Fall 2022)
- Flavors Around the World
- Plant-Based Tips and Tricks
- No Cook Meal Prep
- Meal Prep for a Week
- Brunch at Home
- Spring Veggies to Cook and Grow (Spring 2021)
- Cooking on a Budget 1 (Spring 2021)
- Recipes for Disaster Preparedness
- Don't Toss that, Creative Uses for Food Scraps
- Kitchen Staples Cook Along
Active @ Work
- Yoga for Tension and Stress Relief
- 2/11/22 Class
- 9/9/22 Class
- More classes are available on our Youtube Channel
- Dancing for Fun and Fitness
- Mid Morning Refresh Series
Creativity and Your Well-Being
- Creativity and Your Well-Being: Doodling for Relaxation and Focus
- Creativity and Your Well-Being: Furoshiki Gift Wrapping (Instructions only, no recording)
- Original Source (Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan)
- Printable Version
- Creativity and Your Well-Being: Canvas Painting
- Creativity and Your Well-Being: Homemade Gifts
- DIY Household Goods: Beeswax Wraps, Seed Paper, Foaming Hand Soap, Scented Room Spray
- Easy Canvas Crafts: Stitched Canvas, Tape Method
- Upcycling T-Shirts: T-shirt Bag, Face Mask, T-shirt Yarn, Adjustable Ear Loops for Face Mask
Other Wellness Webinars
Summer Series: Mindful Morning Motions (To access folder, right click and open in new tab)
Recorded Webinars
The Outdoors and Your Well-Being
Spending time in nature can promote health and well-being, which is especially important during a pandemic. In this interactive webinar, we’ll explore the benefits of the outdoors, share safe ways to enjoy nature, and provide local Bay Area resources. We’ll cover camping, gardening, outdoor cooking, physical activity, arts and crafts, and sun and insect safety. Participants are welcome to share their insights throughout the webinar as well.
Speakers: Kim Guess, RD & Nicole Castillo
How Your Health Connects to Soil
What does soil health have to do with your health? This webinar will explore the relationship between soil and health, and the specific steps you can take to become a Soil Ambassador.
Co-hosted by the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH)
Presented by Daphne Miller, MD
Lifestyle Changes
This webinar provides you with essential knowledge and practical tools to reduce your health risks and lead a healthy lifestyle. You will learn skills for setting SMART goals and making simple lifestyle changes with big impacts. This webinar is a good first step following the Know Your Numbers health screening. (40 minutes)
- Listen to the Lifestyle Changes recording
This webinar covers the effects of sugar on the body, the hidden sources of sugar, and strategies to become more aware of the added sugar we are consuming and how to consume less. (45 minutes)
Prediabetes Webinar
Nutrition Essentials
Gain an understanding of the way foods you eat influence your body. This webinar will also give you practical tools for identifying healthier foods, building nutritious meals, and keeping portions in check. (45 minutes)
Food Sensitivities
Diagnoses of food allergies and intolerances are on the rise. Yet there is much controversy surrounding the identification and treatment of these conditions. This webinar will explore different ways the body can react negatively to food and discuss effective strategies for identifying and eliminating offending foods in the diet. (30 minutes)
- Listen to the Food Sensitivities recording and follow along on the slides
Nutrition for Women in Middle Age and Beyond
While healthy nutrition is important for women of all ages, needs can change significantly in the decades surrounding menopause. From countering a slowing metabolism to navigating the latest supplement recommendations, this webinar will address common challenges women face and outline strategies for maintaining a strong, healthy, and happy body in middle age and beyond. (47 minutes)
- Listen to the Nutrition for Women recording