PartySafe: Hydration Hype Squad

April 16, 2017

The goal of the PartySafe program is to improve party culture at UC Berkeley by reducing problems related to alcohol.

One harm-reducing best practice is to alternate drinks with water when you choose to drink alcohol, as well as ensure party throwers have easily accessible water and promote non-alcoholic beverages at their parties. The Hydration Hype Squad is a group of high-energy students who have a passion for water and public safety. They've attended some parties this semester, drew attention to the hydration stations, engaged partygoers on the benefits of tap water and how it can enhance their party experience, and supported guests who choose not to drink alcohol. They'll be at multiple parties on Cal Day. So if you see them around - give them a high five or tell them how much you love water, and get some free water swag!

hydration hype squad