Faculty/Staff Wellness

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Campus Walking Events

Campus walking events provide employees with the opportunity to walk as a campus community, build movement into their workday, and walk for a cause. Faculty and Staff are invited to participate in these campus walking events.

UC Moves 2024

June 6 | 12:10-1pm | Campanile 

Join us on Thursday, June 6 for our annual UC Moves event! 

All participants will have a chance to: 

  • Receive a special UC Moves giveaway (while supplies last)
  • Win raffle prizes such as gift cards, fannie packs, a hydration pack a FitBit and more...
  • Enjoy light refreshments
  • Meet with Health Plan Representatives from Anthem, Health Net and Kaiser
  • Have a great time with colleagues and friends!  

Register today!

Cal for the Cure

A walk to honor and in support of colleagues, loved ones, friends and others who have been touched by cancer. This walk has been offered in October.

Cancer Resources