Faculty/Staff Wellness

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Wellness-Related Policies and Guidelines

Ergonomic Guidelines 

  • Computer Health and Safety Guidelinesfor all faculty and staff using a computer four hours or more a day.
  • Ergonomics Program provides workshops, consultation, and coordination of the campus network of departmental computer workstation evaluators to help fit jobs to people.

Food and Beverage Choices Policy

  • The Food and Beverage Choices Policy became effective January 1, 2019. This policy establishes nutrition standards for retail food service and markets, vending machines, Athletic concessions, dining commons, and University-sponsored meetings and events to ensure accessibility of whole and fresh foods, provide healthier alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages, and engage positive communications promoting healthier choices.
  • To find food and beverage vendors in compliance with the Food & Beverage Choices Policy, visit Eat Well Berkeley

Healthy Meetings & Events Guidelines

  • Healthy Meetings and Events provides guidelines and resources to help campus event planners and staff tasked with organizing meetings to contribute to a healthy campus culture.  
  • UC Berkeley Healthy Meeting & Event Guide packages the recommendations into an easy-to-use tool for providing healthy food and beverage choices and tips for effective meetings by integrating activity breaks into the agenda.

Tobacco-Free Policy 

  • Berkeley’s Tobacco-Free Policy became effective January 1, 2014, meaning the use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or unregulated nicotine products (i.e. “e-cigarettes”) is strictly prohibited in indoor and outdoor spaces owned or leased by UC Berkeley. In addition, the sale and advertising of tobacco products on UC Berkeley-owned or leased property is not permitted. 
  • See Smoking Cessation Resources for help with quitting and tips for managing smoking urges while on campus.
  • See the Tobacco-Free webpagefor additional resources, including the tobacco-free campus map.  

Lactation Accommodation Policy 

California employers are required to make reasonable efforts to provide private space and break time for lactation purposes for nursing mothers. 

  • Breastfeeding Support Program assists the University with the implementation of UC policy providing lactation rooms on campus with multi-user breast pumps, Personal hygienic kits for sale at cost, and breastfeeding classes. 
  • UC Policy: Accommodation for Nursing Mothers  
  • UC Berkeley Policy 84: Breastfeeding Implementation Procedures. 

Flextime Guidelines

UC Berkeley offers a wide array of work arrangements. These include telecommuting, flexible start/end times, and compressed work weeks. For many people, even a small amount of flexibility can make a tremendous difference in successfully harmonizing responsibilities at work and at home. 

Statement in Support of Work-Life Integration

The University of California is committed to the ongoing development of principles, institutional resources, and a workplace culture supportive of personal and family responsibilities. In aspiring to achieve such a workplace culture, the University will foster work-life integration and support work-life strategies that promote civility, citizenship, and community. Read the letter