Do you have a new sore throat, cough, or cold symptoms?
- Most coughs, colds, and sore throats are caused by acute, self-limited, uncomplicated viral infections. These conditions usually run their course within 7-10 days. Antibiotics do not treat viral infections.
- If you have a new sore throat, cough, or congestion, you can schedule a COVID-19 test on eTang. This is a PCR test that will also check for Flu and RSV. You will be contacted with your test result eTang.
- If you have a sore throat only, you can schedule a strep throat test on eTang. Strep throat is an exception to most colds in that it is treated with an antibiotic. If your strep throat test is positive, you will be contacted on eTang regarding treatment.
How do I treat my symptoms?
The treatment for these acute, self-limited, uncomplicated viral infections includes:
- Getting adequate rest: Extra sleep can help your immune system function at its best and potentially shorten the duration of your illness.
- Staying well hydrated: When you're sick, your body needs extra hydration when you’re trying to get well. Sources of hydration include water, juice, coconut water, herbal tea, and clear soup broth.
- You can take over-the-counter medication to help reduce your symptoms.
- These medications include acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches/pain/fevers and other cold medications for the treatment of cough and congestion.
- You should not use these over-the-counter medications if you have an allergy to any of the listed ingredients.
- Do not take over-the-counter cold medications at a dose or frequency that is more than what is listed on the instructions unless you are recommended to do so by your healthcare provider.
Please note: Antibiotics DO NOT treat viral infections.
Respiratory illnesses that have diagnostic tests and how to get them:
COVID-19 symptoms are virtually indistinguishable from cold symptoms. If you have not had a COVID test since your current symptoms began, get one ASAP. For students, COVID-19 testing is available for self-ordering on eTang. PCR testing may also be performed during a medical appointment if indicated. One PCR test is enough: please save appointments for others if you have already had a negative result. See also our COVID-19 information pages.
> Learn more about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Influenza, or “the flu”
Influenza usually circulates in Berkeley from mid-fall through early spring and can be prevented with vaccination. Flu causes sudden onset sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, fever, and sometimes stomach symptoms…much worse than "a cold". You go from feeling fine to feeling very ill the same day. Testing and treatment are available but are generally only recommended for people at higher risk of complications, like those with asthma and underlying lung disease. We do testing for flu with symptomatic COVID testing which are booked on eTang.
> Learn more about getting a flu vaccine.
Strep throat
Strep is caused by bacteria, not a virus, and as such is treatable with antibiotics, which are recommended to prevent complications and to make you feel better more quickly. You should get a strep test if you have a severe sore throat, with or without a fever, and nothing else. Strep does NOT cause nasal congestion or cough. Testing for strep can be self-booked on eTang.
Mononucleosis, or “mono”
Famously known as the “kissing disease,” mono is caused by a virus that is best spread by sharing oral secretions (including sharing a water bottle), but can also pass between roommates, teammates, or others who may have close contact. Symptoms include severe sore throat with swollen tonsils and fever (a lot like strep), but you can also have some regular cold symptoms and nausea/stomach pain. We CAN test for mono but there is no treatment, testing is optional, and it requires a blood test. We recommend testing if you have a fever/sore throat that lasts more than 3 days with a negative strep test, particularly if you participate in contact sports, as mono can cause an enlarged spleen. Testing for mono requires a clinician order, thus a phone or in-person appointment, which can be booked on eTang.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
You can get a bad sore throat from gonorrhea or chlamydia, and a new HIV infection can give you a whole host of symptoms including sore throat, fever, and sometimes a rash. It’s important to get testing for STIs if you have had unprotected sex with a new sexual partner within the last month, especially if you did not know them very well, especially for men and transfolk, based on epidemiological risk. This can be ordered online at eTang.
Available vaccines
What do I do if I am not feeling better or I start feeling worse?
- If you have been sick for more than 7 days AND you do not feel that your symptoms are improving, schedule an in-person Primary Care appointment on eTang or call the Appointment Office (510) 642-2000.
- If you have been sick for more than 72 hours AND your symptoms are worsening, schedule a Same-Day Primary Care appointment (in-person, phone, or video) on eTang or contact the Advice Nurse at (510) 643-7197.
How do I know I need to be seen or get care right away?
If you have any of the following symptoms listed below you should contact the 24/7 Advice Nurse at (510) 643-7197 or go to the Tang Center’s Urgent Care. If the Tang Center is closed, see how to get care after-hours or go to an outside urgent care or emergency room for further evaluation.
- Shortness of breath
- New fevers that are >= 100.4 F for more than 72 hours
- A new rash that accompanies cold symptoms or fevers
- A worsening headache
- A worsening cough beyond 72 hours of your illness
- Severe abdominal pain
- You feel you might faint
- A worsening sore throat where your self-ordered COVID and strep throat tests are negative
- New or worsening:
- Difficulty swallowing (beyond a sore throat)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Chest pain
- Eye pain