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July 3, 2014

My roommate and I have been living together since our freshman year in the dorms. He’s a good-looking guy who can be a little unmotivated and is constantly under the influence of something. I am the opposite, but we get along great.

July 2, 2014

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months now, and I know I’m being silly but I’m hurt he’s never had a picture of the two of us as a Facebook profile picture! He’s had pictures of him with other girls, but never me! I don’t want to seem immature and superficial by bringing it up, but seriously, what's the deal?

April 8, 2014

I'm worried that things might be getting stagnant with my boyfriend. I'm busy with class and he's working, so when we do hang out. We don't have much time to go out or anything. I don't want our relationship to become "boring" but I also don't want to get behind in my classes. What should I do?

March 31, 2014

My roommate’s boyfriend is always over at our place. It’s a bit frustrating; because I told her again and again I don’t feel comfortable with her boyfriend sleeping over. Our place is cramped, and a third person is bothersome. I guess she thought a loophole would be to sneak him in after I fell asleep (which is arguably one of the stupidest loopholes I have ever encountered.) Our water and electricity bills got higher after he started coming over. When I brought this up to them, he offered to pay for a third. At first, I thought okay, because that meant fewer bills. But I guess we had a miscommunication, and now her boyfriend feels like he has more of a right to stay over. But he does not.

March 11, 2014

I’ve been so stressed this semester that I haven’t been feeling much like a girl, as in dressing up a bit, putting on some make-up, or doing my hair. I don’t understand how others can keep up with all that despite being in the middle of midterm season. I feel gross since I don’t care about what I wear or how I look. How can I find a balance?

March 3, 2014

My friend applied as an officer in a club that I am the chairman of. I thought she was decently qualified, but my co-chair said that promoting her to an officer position might cause drama in the club because it seems like we’re playing favoritism (which we kind of did slightly throughout the year.) We picked a different applicant. She was a little upset but she got over it. Fast forward 4 months, it accidentally slipped out that the reason she wasn’t picked as an officer was because we didn’t want to hurt the rep of the club. Now she’s really upset with me and she won't talk to me. She’s acting up in the club and the other officers are talking about kicking her out. I don't know how to save our friendship.

February 24, 2014

Last week, my friend called me and she was incredibly drunk, so I rushed out to take care of her. I let her stay over because she looked like she couldn’t even walk straight. I was planning to let her stay in my bed while I slept on the couch, but she would start whining and crying. She asked me to stay with her, so I sat on the bed. Then she kissed me and told me she loved me. Immediately afterward, she fell asleep. I’m not sure what happened, but when I asked her if she remembered anything from last night, she said she didn’t remember. What just happened?

February 9, 2014

Money is tight right now and I’m trying to be as careful with spending as possible. My friends want to go out for lunch/dinner with me and I don’t know how to tell them that I can’t afford to because going out with a couple of people per week will add up. I don’t want to turn them down, because they have been asking me and want to see how I am doing. Help!

January 2, 2014

I’m an incoming freshman and I am really scared of the heavy workload and challenging classes. I came from a high school that did not have many resources and did not receive the best education. I am worried that I cannot compare to other students who had the privilege to go to a good school and have additional academic support. Do you have any advice on what I can do or how to change this mentality?

January 1, 2014

Me and my best friend like the same guy. He texts me all the time and he told me he liked me. What should I do? Should he and I remain friends until she stops liking him?