
All News

August 18, 2017

Not all freshmen arrive on campus knowing how to be resilient. Staff Psychologist Amy Honigman shares her perspective in this Mercury News article. 

August 11, 2017

College is just around the corner. I cannot believe how fast it is approaching. I hope you all are a part of your class’s Facebook page. If you aren’t, then go join it right now! The notifications might be poring in from fellow students and it might seem a little much; however, I want you to focus on being active on the Facebook Group Page starting today.

July 27, 2017

This Fall, the Student Health Insurance Plan is adding two new services for its transgender students: Fertility preservation and hair electrolysis. Laura Alie, PsyD, the chair of our transgender Care Team tells more about why these services are necessary:

Already a leader in LGBTQ services, UC Berkeley’s Tang Center this fall is adding two new services covered by student health insurance for its transgender students: Fertility preservation and hair electrolysis.

July 24, 2017

University Health Services clinical dietitian Toby Morris discusses body image and disordered eating in a California Magazine article. 

The Skinny on Body Peace and Other Campus Resources for Eating Disorders 

California Magazine | July 18, 2017 | by Krissy Eliot

July 21, 2017

This girl and I have been hanging out a lot lately. I can tell feelings are growing between us. But the problem is she has a boyfriend. She’s in a long-distance relationship. She talks to me about their problems all the time. We haven’t done anything… no cheating. I like her but don’t want to get in between her relationship with her boyfriend. What should I do?

July 7, 2017

"I didn't get the internship that I really wanted and its bumming me out. How can I deal with the feelings of inadequacy that have been coming up?"

June 19, 2017

University Health Services (UHS) at the University of California Berkeley has been recognized for a second time as a “Leader in LGBT Healthcare Equality” by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the country’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization.

June 16, 2017

My life sucks! I’ve been working so hard at Cal, and my parents don’t understand this isn’t high school anymore. In high school, I took hard classes, but there wasn’t nearly as much competition as here at Berkeley. They just don’t understand that I can’t get straight As anymore. They’re going to freak out if they ever see my report cards. Can I make it so they can’t see my grades? I don’t want to lie to them! Help me, please.

June 2, 2017

Summer is coming and I want to get outdoors and to the gym more. I hate going alone though! What are some tips on roping my friends into coming with me?

May 22, 2017

Are you having issues logging onto the eTang portal?

We are working diligently with the campus on a permanent solution to the issue, but in the meantime following these steps allows most students to log on:

May 19, 2017

Surviving a Long Distance Relationship 101

May 12, 2017

I just don’t understand. I was close friends with someone last year, and now we don’t even talk anymore. How can two people share so many wonderful memories and disappear the next? Should I try to reconnect with this person or would that be awkward?

May 5, 2017

"My parents have been super supportive over the last 5 years. I'm graduating this May but am broke and exhausted. What are some ways that I can still show them appreciation?"

May 4, 2017

At University Health Services (UHS), we believe that affordable healthcare is a right for all. We are strong supporters of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many in our community are worried about the proposed repeal of ACA and how that may impact them and their families. We wanted to explain how these changes may or may not affect insurance at UC Berkeley.

April 28, 2017

Help! My first year is about to end and I need to find a place to stay ASAP. What are some strategies that people use to find roommates or look for places to stay? I need to maximize my reach at this point!

April 21, 2017

UC Berkeley has been informed that students at other UC campuses have been the target of a fraud scheme as members of the University of California student insurance plan, UC SHIP. UC SHIP is currently investigating.
I am feeling burnt out right now and could use some time to myself. The problem is that I am an extrovert by nature and people have gotten used to me having my dorm room door open and just stopping by. It's already difficult enough living with so many other people, but now that the stress of the semester is high, I'm overwhelmed. What are some ideas that I can use to get some alone time?

April 17, 2017

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, the UHS PartySafe Program celebrated its third annual PartySafe Awards recognizing individuals, groups, and departments that have been highly effective in building safer alcohol and party practices at UC Berkeley.

April 14, 2017

First day of classes I formed a study group with two other people. It feels like a good fit bc we get a lot done and I trust their work habits. The problem is that one has a slight body odor and it makes me not want to be around them at times. I'm not sure what to do. We aren't friends so I don't want to offend and possibly lose out on a good study partner.

April 13, 2017

Q: I know home cooking is cheaper and healthier than restaurant food, but cooking for myself is intimidating. What should I make?