Emergency & Non-Emergency Interventions

See Something Do Something

Bystander intervention is being a good samaritan for the people around you — being a proactive member of the community. It's looking out for others in order to reduce harm.


Call 911 or (510) 642-3333 (UCPD) for immediate emergencies. When you dial 9-1-1, or (510) 642-3333, or use a blue light phone to make your report, the dispatcher will ask you this question first, “Is this an emergency?” Do not downplay the importance of your call. Crimes in progress or involving life threatening circumstances receive the highest priority response. Be prepared to answer these questions.

  • Is anyone's life or safety threatened?
  • Does anyone need medical assistance or an ambulance?
  • If you are reporting a crime, is the suspect still there? If so, make sure the dispatcher knows this.
  • Does the suspect have a weapon? What kind?

Other Emergency Resources

CUSP - Signs of Possible Alcohol Poisoning and Steps to Take

If you notice any one of these alcohol poisoning signs, call 911. When police or medical assistance arrives, addressing the life safety issue is their top priority.

  • Cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
  • Unconscious or unable to be roused
  • Slow or irregular breathing
  • Puking repeatedly or uncontrollably

Signs of Overdose for Other Drugs and Steps to Take

All alcohol and drug-use choices have consequences. Research shows there are a variety of factors associated with whether those consequences are positive or negative (for self, others, and community). However, the risk for negative consequences starts at small doses and generally rises in proportion to the amount consumed (Dose-Response relationship). 

Overdoses are when a drug overwhelms the body’s ability to function and, while not necessarily fatal, usually have more positive outcomes with effective bystander intervention and support. Use this Chart: AOD Risks, Signs of Overdose & Steps to Take to learn the signs of overdose and the steps to take for a wide variety of substances.

What if I Think I've Been Drugged?

If concerned you or someone else has been given drugs without their knowledge or consent, see our What if I Think I've Been Drugged Resource.

California Poison Control

The California Poison Control System provides immediate, free, and expert treatment advice and referral over the telephone in case of exposure to poisonous or toxic substances. Pharmacists, nurses, and poison information providers answer the calls to 1-800-222-1222 and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Language interpreters are always available, just say the language you need when you call.

UC Berkeley Responsible Bystander Policy

The UC Berkeley Responsible Bystander Policy encourages students to seek medical assistance for peers in need and promotes student safety across campus.


  • UCPD non-emergency number (510) 642-6750
  • Berkeley Police non-emergency number (510) 981-5900
  • UCPD CalTIP Service to text or email a non-emergency anonymous report to UCPD: cal@tipnow.com or (text) 510-664-8477
  • Berkeley Fire Department (510) 981-3473
  • UHS medical services: all registered students may use the medical services at UHS regardless of insurance.

Non-Emergency Intervention Scale and Tips

Intervention scale: Don't let minor issues become big problems, see something, do something.

Intervention tips for alcohol and other drugs: When someone you know is struggling with their alcohol or other drug use, it can be challenging to know what to do. Fortunately, you're not alone.

PATH to Care Center

Path to Care Center Care Line: 24/7 urgent support (510) 643-2005. A safe place to start for affirming and confidential support for exploring all options, rights and resources for those that have experienced sexual harassment, emotional abuse, dating and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking and sexual exploitation. For emergencies, dial 911.

Cal Night Safety Services

Cal Night Safety Services offers comprehensive free night safety services comprised of the BearWalk escort, night shuttle buses, and door-to-door service. The time of day determines what services are available.

Emergency and non emergency inteventions