Brief Individual and Couples Counseling

Counseling is available to all students at no charge. There are a variety of options for accessing counseling.

Individual Counseling Appointments

How to make a same-day individual counseling appointment:

Individual counseling appointments are scheduled on the same day and on a first-come-first-served basis.

Appointments are released for scheduling each day and up to 16 hours ahead. 

  • Call CAPS or access eTang in the morning, or access eTang the night before for the next day.
  • Call CAPS when urgent support is needed - more appointment options are available by calling the main office at 510-642-9494 (Monday through Friday, 9 am-5 pm). 

**Due to state licensing regulations, students need to be located in California to access remote counseling services.**

To schedule out future counseling appointments:

  • Contact the CAPS counselor that you’ve worked with previously (via calling CAPS or sending an eTang secure message).

If you are looking to schedule weekly/biweekly therapy appointments: 

What to expect at your counseling appointment:  

  • Before your visit, you will complete a brief questionnaire about the goal of your visit.
  • The session will be up to 45 minutes and we will focus on what is top of mind for you at the moment and your counselor will provide some immediate support.
  • Towards the end of your counseling session, we will talk about possible next steps, which will include information about resources and support options, such as online, on-campus, and off-campus resources.
  • You can book counseling visits as needed. 

For more information see our FAQ page.

Couples Counseling

How to make a couples counseling appointment:

  • Call (510) 642-9494 to make a couples counseling appointment (couples counseling appointments cannot be made on eTang).
  • Our staff will send you some pre-appointment forms to complete and once you send those back we can schedule your couples counseling appointment.
  • For couples counseling, we offer both in-person and virtual counseling appointments.
  • Counseling sessions are free.

**Due to state licensing regulations, partners need to be located in California to access remote counseling services.** 

 To schedule future counseling appointments:

  • Contact the CAPS counselor that you’ve worked with previously (via calling or eTang secure message).

If you are looking to schedule weekly/biweekly therapy appointments: 

It's always a good idea to call the CAPS main office at (510) 642-9494 with any questions or to schedule appointments.