Is student alcohol use on the rise?

October 17, 2016

Did you see last week's Berkeleyside article about the rise in alcohol abuse statistics at Cal?

This article states that according to statistics, alcohol abuse is increasing at UC Berkeley. The impression that gives is that UC Berkeley's alcohol problem is essentially getting worse and more students are experiencing alcohol-related problems. Whereas the number of alcohol-related incidents reported by the ABC did rise by 30% since last year, many other factors could have caused the increase in reported incidents including that not all incidents involved students. PartySafe Advocate Bella Brandes notes there are significantly more freshmen this year than in years past, and more officers patrolled on those nights being reported. Even the first responders are saying it's not as bad as previous years. How do we truly gauge where we are as a campus community?

Do you think student alcohol misuse is getting better or worse at Cal? Tell us what you think about Cal's party culture. You can also share with us anonymously using this form.