Workers' Compensation
Where can I find general information on UC Berkeley’s workers’ compensation program?
What should I expect after my employee has a workers’ compensation appointment?
What if I need help interpreting or accommodating the restrictions on the Medical Evaluation for Work?
We realize that interpreting restrictions to accommodate them can be difficult. We make every attempt to make the restrictions precise and clear. Disability Management Services (DMS) provides information and assistance with creating transitional work programs that accommodate the restrictions and help get the employee back to work.
Screening Programs
How do I get a respirator for an employee?
What if my employee still wants a respirator, even though it is not recommended by EH&S?
My employee had a screening visit, but we haven’t received the clearance documentation.
What do I do in the case of a hazardous material spill/exposure?
If there is a life-threatening emergency originating from a hazardous material spill/exposure please call 911 immediately. To report the incident, contact EH&S at (510) 642-3073 (off-hours contact (510) 642-3333). EH&S will direct the patient on whether they need to follow up with the Occupational Health Clinic.
Other Questions
Can I have my blood pressure checked at OHC?
No. While blood pressure is taken during most visits in OHC, we do not provide any blood pressure checks unless they are within the scope of a screening exam or workers' compensation visit. Contact your primary medical physician for any non-work-related blood pressure readings.