Faculty/Staff Ergonomics

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Workstation desks

Matching Funds Program

Check out our Computer Ergonomics Matching Funds Program to see how you can improve your work station!

Ergonomic programs and workshops

Spring 2024 Ergonomic Workshops

Check out our classes and workshop page for our list of classes that will be offered in the Spring semester!

The Be Well at Work - Ergonomics Program 

The Be Well at Work - Ergonomics Program promotes healthy campus and at home work environments through workshops, consultation, resources, and coordination of the campus network of departmental  Ergo Navigators (formerly referred to as department computer workstation evaluators) and two campus ergonomists. Our goal is to help fit jobs and work environments to people for both office and non-office environments.

When working on a computer, it is important to remember that having ergonomically designed equipment and making proper adjustments to your computer workstation are important no matter where your “office” may be. To help you have a supportive computer workstation on campus or at home, please follow the ergonomics steps below: 

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Step 1: RSS Computer Ergonomics Online Module

Important Notice: New RSS Computer Ergonomics Self-Assessment & Training Module

UCOP is retiring the Computer Health Matters online ergonomics training module as of 7/14/23. In its place is the new RSS Computer Ergonomics module which is housed and accessed on the Risk & Safety Solutions platform instead of the UC Learning Center.  

RSS Computer Ergonomics is an online solution that provides insights into how an employee’s workstation should fit and meet their postural needs. The self-assessment helps identify ergonomic risks at a computer workstation that can cause injuries. An improper work area setup and improper equipment or use of it can result in the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

Completion of the self-assessment module helps fulfill ergonomic training requirements and grants eligibility to apply for the Ergo Matching Funds program. 

To access RSS Computer Ergonomics:

  1. Click the hyperlink or copy and paste it into your browser: https://app.riskandsafety.com
  2. Log in with your campus sign-on credentials.
  3. Click on “Computer Ergonomic Self-Assessment” from the upper right-hand corner of the landing page.

More detailed user guides regarding access and use of the RSS Computer Ergonomics module can be found in this video or PDF document

For assistance, if you have issues with the module, such as accessing the training, please contact Risk & Safety Solutions via their online ticketing system

Optional In-Person Alternative: Computer Health Matters - Campus and Remote Work Workshop

This workshop offers in-person training that promotes safe and healthy work practices and the effective use of workstation furniture and accessories. It is designed to cover the same content as the online self-assessment and training. Note that this in-person workshop is only offered at select times each semester. Visit the Ergonomics Workshops webpage to learn more or to enroll in a workshop.    

Step 2: Review Resources & Optional Evaluation 

The following resources are recommended to help further supplement the ergonomic guidance provided by the Computer Health Matters online ergonomics module:  

Ergonomic Evaluation (Optional):

The RSS Computer Ergonomics online module is designed to include an ergonomics self-evaluation and thus provides basic ergonomic evaluation assistance. If you have identified equipment needed through the self-assessment, further ergonomic evaluation support is not required as long as you are selecting products from the pre-approved ergonomic product catalog (see Step 3 section for more information). 

If further guidance is needed or desired beyond the RSS Computer Ergonomics self-assessment and our website resources, you may contact your department’s designated Ergo Navigator (formerly called department ergo evaluators). If you are interested in becoming an Ergo Navigator for your department, visit our Classes & Workshops page for training and signup details.   

If your department doesn't have an Ergo Navigator and/or you need additional guidance, you can submit an evaluation request from a campus ergonomist to the Be Well at Work - Ergonomics program via our linked online request form. Remote evaluations for workstations outside of campus are conducted via Zoom.  

Step 3: Choose Computer Workstation Products

The following information covers the pre-approved ergonomic product catalog which are select recommended items from the Be Well at Work - Ergonomics program.  

Discuss any needed items with your supervisor/manager for purchasing approval. If you have any questions regarding the products outside of the information noted on our website or are looking for product selection guidance, reach out to our program at ergonomics@berkeley.edu.     

Ergonomic Furniture and Accessories 

Proper ergonomic equipment is essential to allow computer workstation users to make adjustments to support their postural needs. Be Well at Work - Ergonomics considers height-adjustable tables and ergonomic chairs to be standard equipment that all users should have to facilitate adjustability. Additionally, accessories that have ergonomic design and purpose can aid in postural positioning and support. Our pre-approved list of computer ergonomic furniture and accessories can be referenced on our Be Well at Work Ergonomics: Pre-Approved Ergo Product Catalog.  

Note: Please be aware that products may be discontinued or backordered and the catalog may not reflect these changes. Any changes to the availability of the products will be communicated as needed.

Step 4: Apply for the Computer Ergonomics Matching Funds Program

Be Well at Work - Ergonomics Computer Workstation Matching Funds Program:

Only products on the pre-approved catalog qualify for the Computer Workstation Matching Funds Program. Exceptions may be made only in cases of recommendation by a campus ergonomist or a specific medical accommodation situation; for questions reach us at ergonomics@berkeley.edu. The Be Well at Work - Ergonomics program continually assesses the list for potential additions or changes and focuses on products that meet UC Ergo standards at reasonable pricing. 

To apply for Ergo Matching Funds, please follow this link to the online application form.

Please note: 

  • Applicants must be UC Berkeley employees (faculty, staff, Postdoc, GSR) receiving payment from the university and with job tasks involving the use of computer work for the university
  • Funding for this program is limited. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis each fiscal year beginning July 1st. The deadline for submission for the Matching Funds to be applied towards the current fiscal cycle is no later than 4 weeks before June 30 to allow enough processing time before the close of the fiscal year. 
  • Funding reimbursement will be delayed or denied for applications that are incomplete or provide insufficient supporting documentation and information.
  • The matching funds program does not apply to computer workstation furniture for new construction, renovation, or relocation projects. While Be Well at Work - Ergonomics can provide guidance on product selection, large-scale projects should be handled through Capital Strategies
  • Due to limited resources, individuals are only eligible for the $1000 Matching Funds limit one-time. Exception may be granted by the Be Well at Work - Ergonomics program (such as in the case of a UC Berkeley departmental transfer). 

For Matching Funds program details, visit the Ergonomics Matching Funds Program page.

For More Information

Please contact ergonomics@berkeley.edu for questions or issues.