Love Cafe Q&A

Stagnant Relationship

April 8, 2014
I'm worried that things might be getting stagnant with my boyfriend. I'm busy with class and he's working, so when we do hang out. We don't have much time to go out or anything. I don't want our relationship to become "boring" but I also don't want to get behind in my classes. What should I do?

Hanging out on a budget

February 9, 2014
Money is tight right now and I’m trying to be as careful with spending as possible. My friends want to go out for lunch/dinner with me and I don’t know how to tell them that I can’t afford to because going out with a couple of people per week will add up. I don’t want to turn them down, because they have been asking me and want to see how I am doing. Help!

Disappointed with boyfriend

August 8, 2014
I always seem to be disappointed with my boyfriend.

He says he cares about me and misses me whenever we’re apart but his actions show otherwise, such as canceling dates and setting a time limit on how much we should spend time together since he’s so busy with school. And whenever we’re together, we’re usually doing something he wants, especially having sex. Sometimes I feel that he does care about me but am I being delusional and is he just lying?

This does seem odd to me. I think you should see how he’s spending his time without you. If he’s making way more time for other friends...

Used to be friends

May 12, 2017
I just don’t understand. I was close friends with someone last year, and now we don’t even talk anymore. How can two people share so many wonderful memories and disappear the next? Should I try to reconnect with this person or would that be awkward?

Will our friendship change?

May 4, 2018
My friend is getting into a relationship and I am very happy for her but I am afraid that we will not be as close as we used to be. What should I do?

Thinking about Transferring

March 24, 2017
I’m homesick. My family, friends, dog, and support system are in SoCal so I’ve been feeling lonely since coming to Cal. I have made a few friends but no one that I feel connected to. I’m about to end my first year but seriously thinking about transferring to a school closer to home. I would love to graduate from Cal but don’t know if it’s worth the risk of loneliness or my mental health for the next 3 years. What should I do?

Does he only likes me for sex?

April 16, 2016
I’ve been dating a guy who is nice to me but I think he just wants sex. It’s confusing because I’ve dated other guys who only want physical and will make that clear, but this guy is still nice to me. How can I determine if he’s only in it for the physical?

Q&A: Socializing at Berkeley

August 27, 2014
I’m a shy guy. How do I make friends at UC Berkeley?

Relationship Q&A: Spring 2013

January 2, 2014
I’m an incoming freshman and I am really scared of the heavy workload and challenging classes. I came from a high school that did not have many resources and did not receive the best education. I am worried that I cannot compare to other students who had the privilege to go to a good school and have additional academic support. Do you have any advice on what I can do or how to change this mentality?

Is He Interested In Me?

March 2, 2018
I like this guy but I think that he's gay. What do I do?