There are two ways to obtain a pregnancy test at UHS
- Request a blood test from the UHS Lab through the eTang patient portal (Log into eTang, select “Messaging” from the eTang portal options, and follow the instructions) or
- Purchase an over-the-counter Pregnancy Test kit at the UHS Pharmacy.
Tips on Pregnancy Testing
Are you trying to test too soon? For most people, the pregnancy test will not become positive until approximately 2 weeks from the time of suspected conception. If you have any questions, you can contact the UHS Advice Nurse at (510) 643-7197 or via secure message through the eTang portal. If your test result is negative, repeat the pregnancy test in 1-2 weeks if you have not had a regular period. If your test result is positive, view below for pregnancy options.
Did you know that the Affordable Care Act requires that insurance cover birth control and Preventive Health services at no cost to you? This applies to students with the Student Health Insurance Plan and anyone on qualifying insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act.
UHS Social Services has information about the adoption process in California and other resources on prenatal care, legal assistance, and academic adjustments. To make an appointment with specialty counselors at Social Services, please call (510) 642-6074.
- FAQ about Adoption(link is external) from the CA Department of Social Services (CDSS)
- Locate some local prenatal care providers with the Wellfleet Provider Search Tool(link is external)
- For SHIP insurance information
If you would like to make an appointment with a clinician or speak to a counselor, please make an appointment through eTang or by calling (510) 642-2000.
If your possible pregnancy is the result of non-consensual sex, you can speak to a confidential counselor at Path to Care(link is external) or Social Services for help with any of the following:
- Emotional support
- Medical care options
- Legal Resources
- Safe housing
- Academic adjustments
For urgent confidential support, call the Path to Care's 24/7 Care Line at (510) 643-2005.
More Resources
- Path to Care Office: Call (510) 642-1988 or visit their website(link is external)
- Office of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH): Visit the Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) website(link is external) for more information.
Emergency Contraception
Did you know emergency contraception can be taken up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse? The sooner you take it, the better. For more information, please call our 24/7 advice nurse at (510) 643-7197 and read our emergency contraception handout.
Abortion Services
Two abortion services are medication abortion and procedural abortion (surgical). To learn more about the differences, see this FAQ from UCSF(link is external) on the two different abortion services.
- If you are undecided or would like to speak with a counselor regarding pregnancy and abortion options you can call our Social Services department at (510) 642-6074.
- If you are interested in a medication abortion appointment at the Tang Center, log into the eTang patient portal select “Messaging” from the eTang portal options, and navigate to "Pregnancy Services/Pregnancy options", then "I have a known positive pregnancy test", then "Family Planning/ Abortion services."
UHS Social Services has information about prenatal care options and other resources on balancing school/life balance with children, housing considerations, and academic adjustments. To make an appointment with Social Services, please call (510) 642-6074.
For prenatal care referrals:
- For students who have SHIP: A referral is required for prenatal care services. You may request this insurance referral from the following:
- UHS Advice Nurse: Call (510) 643-7197
- Social Services: (510) 642-6074
- UHS physician or nurse practitioner
- The staff in the Social Services department (510) 642-6074 can answer many of your questions regarding the following:
- campus and community support services
- great tips for managing early pregnancy symptoms and early self-care before you see your outside medical provider
- information regarding referrals for services if you have SHIP or other private insurance
- referral lists for family planning providers, midwives, and OBGYN practices.
- what you need to know about obtaining insurance coverage for the baby
- support and information regarding how to balance your medical care with a challenging academic schedule
- information on adoption if you are considering this option
More information
- Frequently asked questions (link is external)on choosing a care provider for your pregnancy(link is external)
- Healthy pregnancy considerations(link is external)
- Wellfleet Provider Search Tool(link is external) for Prenatal Care Providers
- For SHIP insurance information
- If you would like to make an appointment with a clinician or speak to a counselor, please make an appointment through eTang or by calling (510) 642-2000.
Becoming pregnant can be an unexpected, confusing, stressful, and emotional time. Many people are initially undecided about what to do next after becoming pregnant. Being aware of your options moving forward and the steps that follow making a decision is a reasonable first step.
If you would like to make an appointment with a clinician, please make an appointment through eTang or by calling (510) 642-2000. You can also make an appointment to speak to a counselor regarding pregnancy options by calling our Social Services department at (510) 642-6074.
Additional Resources
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG(link is external)) - pregnancy choices
- A nonjudgmental resource from Planned Parenthood(link is external)
If you are pregnant, Social Services can provide emotional/resource support around decision-making, next steps, and more. Please contact the UHS Social Services office to set up an appointment.