Faculty/Staff Occupational Health

Be Well at Work homedisability management servicesemployee assistanceelder careergonomicsoccupational healthwellnesswork life

Contact Us

University Health Services
2222 Bancroft Way (2nd floor)
Berkeley, CA 94720


To schedule an appointment, please call (510) 642-6891 for work-related injuries or illnesses. Appointments are available Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm.

To cancel an appointment, please call (510) 642-6891. If you need to cancel a medical screening appointment, please call at least 4 hours before the appointment. 

For work-related injuries that require attention after hours or on weekends, go to the Alta Bates Emergency Department (510) 204-4444. 2450 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, CA.   

Make an Occupational Health Appointment 

To schedule an appointment, please call (510) 642-6891 for work-related injuries or illnesses. Appointments are available Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm.

To cancel an appointment, please call (510) 642-6891. If you need to cancel a medical screening appointment, please call at least 4 hours before the appointment.  

Screening and Surveillance Programs

Screening and surveillance programs offered by Occupational Health include the following:  

Animal Handler Exams

Asbestos Exposure Surveillance - OHC works with departments and EH&S specialists in complying with asbestos laws and regulations. Persons with significant current or past history of asbestos exposure while working for UCB, as defined by the OSHA Asbestos Standard,  may be enrolled in the OHC Asbestos Program. Services include a review of medical history, screening spirometry (breathing test), and periodic chest x-rays.

FBI Training Medical Examinations 

DOT Intrastate Commercial Driver's Medical Examinations

Hearing Conservation ProgramOccupational Health and The Office of Environment Health & Safety (EH&S) together administer a Hearing Conservation Program designed to protect faculty, staff, and students from hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise, i.e., exposure to noise above 85 decibels as an eight-hour time-weighted average. You may need to be enrolled in the Hearing Conservation Program if you work in any area where you have to raise your voice to be understood at arm's length. If you feel your work area may have unhealthy levels of noise, contact EH&S at (510) 642-3073. 

Lead Exposure Surveillance

Polar Travel Medical Examinations

Research Exposure Medical Examinations

Respirator Medical Clearance - The UCB Respiratory Protection Program is administered by EH&S and is designed to protect the respiratory health of UCB employees who may be exposed to potentially harmful airborne substances. The Occupational Health Clinic provides medical evaluations for the user before being fitted for a respirator by EH&S. Evaluation includes a medical questionnaire and may include an examination or breathing tests. Potential respirator users must go through all the steps of obtaining a respirator as outlined in this fact sheet from the EH&S website. 

TB Exposure Surveillance