- Drop-in flu shot clinics are open to students every Monday-Friday, 9:00-11:30 am and 1-4:00 pm at University Health Services in the Travel/Immunization department on the 1st floor on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Flu shots are covered for students with SHIP and $50 for those without SHIP.
- COVID-19 shots are also being given at the drop-in clinic.
Campus Drop-in Flu Clinics (for students)
RecSports facility, February 24 and March 3 from 8 am-10 am and 3 pm-5 pm
MLK Student Union Lobby Area, March 4 and 5 from 11 am-3 pm
University Village Albany, March 6 and March 13, from 1 pm-4 pm
Faculty / Staff / Community Members
- We are not offering flu shots to faculty, staff, or community members at this time as the flu vaccine is widely available in the community and with health care providers. Please reach out to your healthcare provider or a community flu shot provider.
Students with SHIP
- FREE for students with SHIP. Please bring your Cal 1 Card.
For Students without SHIP
- $50. Please bring your Cal 1 Card.
- You can also get a copy of your receipt by coming to the Cashier/Billing office on the 3rd floor or by sending a message in eTang to the Cashier to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
To support the health and well-being of our campus and the community, an updated revision of the University of California Vaccine Program Policy was issued on June 26, 2024, strongly recommending that all members of the University community follow vaccine recommendations adopted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) applicable to their age, medical condition, and other relevant indications. The policy also allows for submitting an opt-out/declination of getting the Flu vaccines.
To comply with the Flu Vaccine Policy all students, faculty, and staff need to take one of these actions by December 1, 2024 (extended from November 1, 2024) :
- Get the flu vaccine and log those records into eTang Medical Clearance section OR
- Submit a declination for the vaccine on eTang. Submit one for each vaccine you are opting out of.
To submit Influenza Vaccine Declination / Exemption:
- Log in to eTang and go to the Medical Clearances section, scroll to the bottom, and select "Request an Exemption".
- Select the Flu vaccine and hit continue, then select the reason from the drop-down menu to submit a declination.
Here are additional flu shot resources outside of UHS:
- Check with your provider's health system.
- If you have Kaiser Permanente, please visit their website to get information about how to get a flu shot. All Kaiser members can get a free flu shot at most medical centers.
- Kaiser participates with select retail stores and pharmacies to offer flu shots to members including CVS, Safeway, Rite Aid, Costco, Walgreens, and Walmart.
- Check your Kaiser website for participating locations and bring your photo ID and Kaiser membership card.
- Sutter Health Walk-In Care Flu Shots are available to anyone over 18 months of age and older at Sutter Walk-In Care, and those 6 months of age and older can get a flu vaccine.
- There are many retail stores and pharmacies that offer flu shots including CVS, Safeway, Rite Aid, Costco, Walgreens, Target, and Walmart.
- Alameda County Public Health also provides flu clinics. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay.
Use MyTurn to find a Flu Shot Clinic near you
- Use My Turn to find and make appointments for flu vaccines in your community.