Be Well at Work

Be Well at Work News - April 2017

March 24, 2017
Help staff perform their best

Managers and supervisors have an important role in creating a healthy work environment, helping the staff they supervise to perform at their best. Be Well at Work-Wellness Program has resources to help you with this responsibility.

Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace, a popular training for managers and supervisors, provides a foundation of skills for addressing health and safety, supporting staff wellness, and energizing your teams, all leading to better performance. Developed and delivered by Be Well at Work - Wellness...

Be Well at Work News - Oct 2016

October 18, 2016
KEYS Training – What supervisors need to know – The KEYS Risk Management Track trains supervisors in a continuum of skills including creating a healthy workplace, preventing injuries, and managing the disability process. | Does your department have a Computer Workstation Evaluator? The University relies on a network of trained Computer Workstation Evaluators to perform basic workstation evaluations within their departments. | Does your team have a wellness ambassador? Wellness ambassadors are faculty or staff volunteers who help create a safe and healthy workplace in their unit by committing as little as an hour each month to promote the campus’ health and wellness programs.

Resources for Staff and Faculty Injured at Work

February 20, 2018

Workplace injuries hurt everyone. An injured employee may be forced to take time off, face chronic pain, and find essential functions of their job increasingly difficult. Supervisors: did you know that once injured, an employee is at an increased risk for reinjury?

The WorkStrong program is a UC system-wide initiative that provides specialized health and wellness programs for those who have been injured on the job. This comprehensive program is designed to reduce the risk of further injury and promote overall...