
Meet the CAPS Staff

Counseling Staff

The UHS Counseling staff is a multicultural group of professional counselors and psychiatrists. Counselors include psychologists, social workers, and advanced-level trainees. We try to accommodate students’ preferences regarding counseling gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

Photo Name Biography...

Group Counseling

Many students benefit from counseling in a group format where common concerns can be explored. UHS group counseling sessions are free and do not require health insurance.

Career Counseling Services

UHS Career Counseling provides comprehensive counseling services to help you select a major and make career decisions.


Connect (with others with shared experiences)

Engage with others in a group setting or through other campus community resources.

Brief Individual and Couples Counseling

Counseling is available to all students at no charge. There are a variety of options for accessing counseling.



Whether you are new to learning about mental health, or an expert, we've curated some resources to help our campus community continue to grow our mental health literacy.

Browse our free articles, videos, apps, articles, and books.


TALK (to a mental health professional)

Find a provider to speak with through some of our 1:1 mental health services.

Let's Talk Schedule

Let's Talk Drop-In Consultations are informal, brief, free consultations with UHS mental health counselors.

They do not require any insurance or paperwork. UHS counselors have expertise and competency in working with underrepresented students on campus. All counselors work with students who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and relationship concerns.

PLEASE NOTE: Let's Talk consultations are not formal therapy sessions and do not constitute mental health treatment, and we are not able to assist with the Disabled Students' Program (...

Prevention, Education, Outreach

Outreach is about connecting with the campus community to increase college mental health through awareness, education, and stigma reduction.

We actively engage students, faculty, staff, and parents in creating a healthy campus environment and preventing mental health problems. We also do all we can to connect with students who do not utilize traditional counseling.

Outreach and Workshop Requests

We are no longer accepting requests for Spring 2024. (Accepting for Summer 24)

Student Mental Health frequently does outreach to the campus for student groups, academic departments, and administrative units. The goal of this outreach is to demystify counseling, educate the campus on mental health issues, and help others know our counselors. Although staffing for outreach is limited, we do our best to accommodate requests.