Consultation and Critical Response Services

Confidential Consultation and Training Services for Faculty and Staff Management, Campus Administration, and LBL Management
One of the key components of a supervisor’s role is managing an employee’s job performance. However, it can feel overwhelming and isolating to manage workplace concerns. Supervisors and managers are encouraged to contact Employee Assistance when concerned about an employee or work group, or when looking for a neutral place to discuss a workplace situation. Our team is equipped to assist faculty and staff in common workplace issues, as well as during a serious critical incident. As an internal employee assistance program, we are knowledgeable and familiar with UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's unique cultures and organizational departments.
Employee Assistance offers consultations related to behavioral health problems impacting workplace functioning. This includes but is not limited to, mental health, substance use, interpersonal problems, grief or loss, threats of violence, work-related stress, and change management.
Consultations include discussions on:
- Communicating effectively with an employee.
- Assistance in developing an action plan to support an employee or your department.
- Critical incident response following a crisis event.
- Consultation around current or anticipated restructuring within your department.
- Understanding UC policies, procedures, and employee benefits with relation to behavioral health, work accommodations, and family medical leave.
Critical Incident Response Following Crisis Events
Information coming soon.
Threat Assessment and Consultation
Information coming soon.
Work Group Facilitation
Group facilitation may focus on specific topics designed to increase employee well-being.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Coping with Change
- Mindfulness
- Focus Strategies
- Strengthening Resilience
- Emotional Intelligence
- Building Healthy Habits
- Stress Management
- As well as customized options to fit your department's needs
Confidentiality Statement
Employee Assistance is a voluntary, confidential service. The counselor does not share information about you or your visits with anyone outside of Employee Assistance without your consent, or as required by law. Please note that email can be easily observed by a third party and confidentiality of email is not guaranteed.