Faculty/Staff Elder Care

Be Well at Work homedisability management servicesemployee assistanceelder careergonomicsoccupational healthwellnesswork life

Elder Care Program

University Health Services, Tang Center (3rd Floor)
2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720-4300

Phone: (510) 643-7754
Email: employeeassistance@berkeley.edu

University Health Services, Tang Center

2222 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94720-4300

The Tang Center is located on Bancroft Way at the southwest corner of campus, between Ellsworth and Fulton (Oxford) Streets. See campus map. For more about how to get to the UHS Tang Center, see our Directions page.

Schedule an Appointment

The Elder Care Program offers confidential in-person, video and telephone appointments Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. In-person appointments take place at University Health Services Tang Center, while our video appointments take place using a HIPAA-compliant Zoom platform.

Who Can Receive Services

Be Well At Work’s Elder Care program is available to UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Lab faculty, staff, visiting scholars, post-doctoral appointees, as well as their partners/spouses and the persons being cared for.

Please note: You do not have to be living with the person you are concerned about, nor do you have to be actively caring for them in order to request an appointment. 

Translation Services Available

Translation service is available upon request; please notify our staff if you need assistance with translation for your appointment.

Elder Care Sample Forms

Please note that these forms are intended for viewing only, and are not to be completed online.

Informed Consent Form (English)
Informed Consent Form (Spanish)
Sample Employee Assistance Intake Form (Spanish)
Sample Employee Assistance Intake Form (English)

Confidentiality Statement

Elder Care is a voluntary, confidential service. The counselor does not share information about you or your visits with anyone without your consent, or as required by law. Please note that email can be easily observed by a third party and confidentiality of email is not guaranteed.