The Elder Care program offers confidential guidance to UC Berkeley faculty, staff, visiting scholars, and postdocs who are caring for or concerned about an elderly or dependent adult. We also provide services to employees of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
The Elder Care Program offers:
- Counseling, assessment, and referral to local and long-distance resources.
- Bi-monthly caregiver support groups.
- Workshops and webinars related to caring for an adult and caregiver coping.
- Consultation for supervisors, managers, and colleagues concerned about an employee who is experiencing significant stress and/or having difficulties coping at work due to caregiving responsibilities.
- A quarterly Elder Care Newsletter and caregiver ListServ for up-to-date offerings and events.
Please note: You do not have to be living with the person you are concerned about, nor do you have to be actively caring for them to request an appointment.
Confidentiality Statement
Elder Care is a voluntary, confidential service. The counselor does not share information about you or your visits with anyone without your consent, or as required by law. Please note that email can be easily observed by a third party and confidentiality of email is not guaranteed.