Responding to Disclosures of SVSH

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

To connect with urgent support, call the 24/7 Care Line at (510) 643-2005. To consult with an Advocate or to schedule an appointment, contact the PATH to Care Center at (510) 642-1988.

PATH to Care Center

The PATH to Care Center leads UC Berkeley’s prevention, advocacy, training, and healing efforts related to sexual violence and harassment. The Center is committed to transform culture to prevent violence and advocates for anyone impacted by these forms of harm - students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors.

Confidential Advocate Role and Services

Survivors can speak confidentially with an Advocate to explore their options and connect with resources for emotional support, medical attention, reporting options, academic accommodations, changes in housing, financial support, and healing initiatives. All people impacted by sexual violence have the right to be treated with respect and care, and survivors can receive support whether they decide to report or not.

How to Respond

1. Provide Care and Support

  • Appreciate student for seeking support
  • If responsible employee, explain confidentiality limitations
  • Offer resources and connection to an Advocate • Allow student to make their own choices

2. Connect to an Advocate

  • Offer a warm referral by calling together
  • Call the 24/7 Care Line with the student at (510)643-2005 
  • Introduce student to the on-call Advocate
  • Step out to provide privacy

3. Next Steps

  • If responsible employee, notify OPHD of disclosure at (510)643-7985 or
  • Consult PATH to Care Center at (510)642-1988
  • Practice self-care