Love Cafe Q&A

Q&A: Relationships and Dating

August 29, 2014
Valentine's Day is coming up and yet again, I don’t have someone special to spend it with. All my friends have significant others and I feel kind of bummed out by this. What can I do during that weekend?

Transfer Student Belonging

November 11, 2016
Being a transfer student sucks. It’s almost the end of my first semester and I don’t feel like I have made very much progress socially (or academically). Any tips?

How do you know if you're in love?

September 22, 2017
How did you find out that you were in love with your partner?

Inconsiderate Boyfriend

August 22, 2014
My boyfriend and I went to a party last week. We were a bit drunk and a mutual friend asked him who he thought the prettiest girl in the room was. He was supposed to say it was me. But then he pointed at this random girl at this party and just smiled. I’m not usually the jealous type and I tried to laugh it off. When I got home, I cried the whole night. I’m not sure why it’s bothering me so much. He apologized to me the next day, explaining how drunk he was. And it’s understandable, perfectly understandable. Yet, the feeling isn’t going away. Why?

Stressed and Cranky Roommate

June 4, 2016
I have had the same roommate for two years and consider her a good friend. I know this semester has been hectic, but my roommate uses this as an excuse to snap at me. She does this to other people as well. Should I say something to her? Or should I ignore it? What are ways I can be supportive of her through really stressful times?

Do We Have Enough in Common?

August 15, 2014
I love my boyfriend. But besides school work and work, we don’t have much in common. We don’t know what to talk about. I feel as if we’re still friends. Is this normal?

Love Cafe: Relationship Q&A

January 1, 2014
Me and my best friend like the same guy. He texts me all the time and he told me he liked me. What should I do? Should he and I remain friends until she stops liking him?

Constantly being sexiled from my room

August 7, 2014
My roommate constantly lets her boyfriend sleep over so I’m always getting sexiled overnight (so it’s the couch for me). I’ve already told her that I don’t like him staying over so much but she always comes up with excuses as to why he had to. I don’t want to fight with her over such a petty issue but I can’t take it anymore, help!

Good looking roommate gets job

July 3, 2014
My roommate and I have been living together since our freshman year in the dorms. He’s a good-looking guy who can be a little unmotivated and is constantly under the influence of something. I am the opposite, but we get along great.

I like him more than a friend

July 4, 2014
I have become pretty good friends with one of my guy friends. Unfortunately, as I got to know him better, I liked him more as more than a friend. I’m too afraid to say anything about it to him because I think it will make things weird and I’m afraid to lose the friendship. It has also been previously awkward between us because we’ve made out and such at parties and I’m just glad that the awkward stage is over. But now I’m not sure what to do if I like him as more than a friend.