My boyfriend and I went to a party last week. We were a bit drunk and a mutual friend asked him who he thought the prettiest girl in the room was.
He was supposed to say it was me. But then he pointed at this random girl at this party and just smiled. I’m not usually the jealous type and I tried to laugh it off. When I got home, I cried the whole night. I’m not sure why it’s bothering me so much. He apologized to me the next day, explaining how drunk he was. And it’s understandable, perfectly understandable. Yet, the feeling isn’t going away. Why?
Since your boyfriend was drunk, it might be understandable for his actions. Maybe, when he was asked the question, he just pointed to one of the first girls in the room without thinking about it. Still, I understand how this must be bothering you. Try to evaluate your relationship and see how your boyfriend has treated you in the past. If you are still sure that you want to stay with him, try and think of all the happy times you two have shared. This might help you recover from that night. Most importantly, I would tell him now how much this is still bothering you. Maybe he can also help you by reminding you how much he cares about you. However, I would keep in mind that you deserve a boyfriend who cares about you above all other girls. You should not be competing for his affection. Hope this helps! Good luck!! –Lauren
I am sorry that you felt hurt because of it, and I am sure any girl would be hurt in that situation. It is okay to feel a bit down, but don’t forget to keep your head up. Your boyfriend had said that under the influence and he apologized the next day. He never had the intention of hurting you. Accidents happen, and sometimes it hurts. We all put a lot of weight on beauty, even though we all know we shouldn’t. At the end of the day, your boyfriend is dating you, not the random girl at the party. Regardless of how attractive she is, your boyfriend picked you to be in a relationship with. Out of all the pretty faces, he picked you. He started something with you not just on beauty, but because of the whole package. you as a whole person. To me, that is worth more than beauty. Honey, have some confidence and smile. Hope this helps! Best of luck, darling. –Jami