Love Cafe Q&A

Showing Parents Some Appreciation

May 5, 2017
"My parents have been super supportive over the last 5 years. I'm graduating this May but am broke and exhausted. What are some ways that I can still show them appreciation?"

What exactly is a casual relationship?

February 17, 2017
So, in my opinion, the term “casual” is supposed to be open to interpretation, much like a casual relationship is. It can mean a plethora of things, but generally, the term casual is used to refer to something that’s low-commitment and freer of expectations than a monogamous relationship. I think when defining a “casual” relationship with a partner, it is important to clarify expectations in order to avoid misunderstandings that can breed resentment.

Help, I'm having body issues

August 31, 2014
I have a lot of image issues. This year, it just got worse since I started college, and was stressed and kept eating. I put on a lot of weight and now that I’m home for the summer, my family can’t stop talking about it. It stresses me out and just puts me in a bad downward spiral. Help?

I like her but she has a boyfriend!

July 21, 2017
This girl and I have been hanging out a lot lately. I can tell feelings are growing between us. But the problem is she has a boyfriend. She’s in a long-distance relationship. She talks to me about their problems all the time. We haven’t done anything… no cheating. I like her but don’t want to get in between her relationship with her boyfriend. What should I do?

Conflict in my friend group

October 7, 2016
Hi there! Conflicts among friends can be tough, especially if you value all of your friendships and don’t want to lose any of them in trying to save other people. First, think about what the conflict is over. If it’s something small, there might not be that much risk associated with getting involved a little bit. Having a mutual friend bring some common ground back into the issue can help a lot. If the issue is very large or you are uncomfortable getting involved, find someone who can.

Changing My Major Again

October 28, 2016
I’ve changed my major twice already and am thinking about changing it for a third time. I feel confident that I’m making the right choice this time, my only problem is that I haven’t told my parents yet. They’ve freaked out on me already for not sticking with one major and I don’t know how to bring the conversation up again. I’m nervous because I don’t want them to see me as flaky or irresponsible. How can I talk to them about it?

Regret telling my ex

March 3, 2017
So I was dating a guy from high school for around 8-9 months. We really loved and cared for each other, and we dated throughout the school year, the summer before college, and a little bit into freshman year of college. We argued a little too much, and we ended on good terms. Obviously, I was still very sad and vulnerable, so a few days after the breakup, I decided to go party and drink a lot. I ended up hooking up with a random guy and drunk-texted my ex about it. He still hasn’t forgiven me.

I Need Some Alone Time!

April 21, 2017
I am feeling burnt out right now and could use some time to myself. The problem is that I am an extrovert by nature and people have gotten used to me having my dorm room door open and just stopping by. It's already difficult enough living with so many other people, but now that the stress of the semester is high, I'm overwhelmed. What are some ideas that I can use to get some alone time?

Should I make a move?

April 1, 2016
So I haven’t dated in a while and I think I might be interested in this guy I just met in my organization. The problem is I think I’m too scared of something because I feel like I have been rejecting myself. Telling myself if he had found me attractive he would have already approached me. I feel like I’m such a fool because I haven’t tried talking to him. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself but I would like to know the guy a bit more where do I start?

Ending Things Over Political Views

February 3, 2017
I started dating this girl last semester and I really like her. We get along great, she is very supportive, she’s intelligent, and she makes me laugh which is a bonus. The thing is we have different political views on some issues happening in the world right now and can get into heated debates. I often walk away feeling like she doesn’t understand the reality of social justice needs in this country and consider removing her from my life. Are political views worth ending things over or are there better ways that we can work things out?