SHIP Insurance

SHIP Fees and Enrollment

All eligible registered UC Berkeley students, including registered international students, are automatically enrolled in the Berkeley Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and charged a health insurance fee on their CalCentral account.

Voluntary SHIP plans are available for concurrent enrollment undergraduates, filing fee graduate students, and students who have a formal medical withdrawal status or are on approved pregnancy leave. Dependent plans are also...

How to use SHIP

collapse all expand all Health care at University Health Services (Tang Center)

When you need medical care, call the appointment office at 510-642-2000 or visit the eTang portal to make an appointment. Visit the appointments webpage for more information.


SHIP Benefits

berkeley ship logoBerkeley Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is an outstanding health plan designed specifically for college students.

Berkeley SHIP is a comprehensive major medical insurance plan, providing medical, counseling, and prescription through Wellfleet Student, vision through VSP, and...

Reciprocal Healthcare for Visiting UC Students

UC Berkeley supports the Statement of Reciprocal Services for University of California Student Health Centers:

The Student Health Center (SHC) at each University of California campus gladly offers reciprocal access to its student health services to currently registered students from all other UC campuses under the same conditions that apply to its students not enrolled in its campus Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).

Students enrolled in their home campus SHIP may receive special discounts, benefits, or services at their home campus Student Health Center that are funded by that...

SHIP for Non-Registered Students

SHIP for Non-Registered Students collapse all expand all Who May Enroll? Students with the below status who were enrolled in SHIP the Fall or Spring term immediately preceding the term for which the student wants to purchase voluntary SHIP:

Graduate students on Filing Fee status: ...

Insurance for Dependents

Berkeley SHIP offers comprehensive medical, behavioral health, dental, and vision insurance for you and your family!

Special Summer Programs

Berkeley SHIP information for Special Summer Programs 2025 collapse all expand all Period of Coverage and Cost of SHIP Program SHIP Effective Dates Cost of SHIP Master in Financial Engineering (MFE-incoming March class only)1 March 1, 2025 - July 31, 2025 $2,701 Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS)2 Master of...

Waiving SHIP

Waiving SHIP

All registered undergraduate and graduate UC Berkeley students, including international students, are automatically enrolled in the Berkeley Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) to meet the University of California’s health insurance mandate set by the UC Regents. If you have comparable health insurance that meets the SHIP waiver criteria and do not wish to have dual coverage, you can submit an online waiver application to waive enrollment in SHIP. The waiver must be filled out annually during the waiver period (July deadline for the entire upcoming academic...