Transfer medical records to UHS |
When you arrive at UC Berkeley, you may wish to have your medical records transferred to UHS from your previous healthcare provider. You can print a release form for transfers of records to UHS or pick up a copy of the form from Health Records. Complete the form and mail it or deliver it to your previous healthcare provider.
*Medical records are destroyed in accordance with our Retention Policy after 10 years from the last in person office visit.
Transfer medical records from UHS to new health care provider |
After you leave UC Berkeley, you may request that your records be sent to your new healthcare provider. You can print a release form for transfer or records from UHS or pick up a copy of the form at UHS. The form must be completed in its entirety.
To submit the completed form:
Mail to: UHS Health Records 2222 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94720-4300
Or fax to: (510) 642-1801
Or drop off the form at the Health Records department in the second-floor atrium of UHS.
There is no fee to have your medical or mental health records sent to another healthcare provider.
Obtain medical or mental records for personal use |
You may request a personal copy of your medical or mental health records. You may print a form for the release of health records from UHS or pick up a copy of the form at UHS. The form must be completed in its entirety. You may mail the completed form to Health Records.
Please note for records released to yourself there is a $6.50 fee.
Electronic records are usually released on a flash drive unless paper is requested. If a fee is applicable, fees must be paid upfront before processing; requests will not be processed until payment is received. Payments can be made by mailing in a check/money order payable to UC Regents (please send to University Health Services, Health Records, 2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA, 94720) or made in person at the SHIP office (3rd floor). Payments can only be made in person at the SHIP office on Wednesdays from 9 am-4 pm. Contact Optometry Clinic directly by calling (510) 642-2020 for optometry records.
Request medical or mental records for other uses |
You may request a copy of your medical or mental health records to be sent to a third party. This may include, for example, records you want sent to an insurance company or government office.
You may print a form for the release of health records from UHS or pick up a copy of the form at UHS. The form must be completed in its entirety. You may mail the completed form to Health Records.
Please note that for records of more than 2 pages, there is a duplication fee of $26 for up to 100 pages, plus $10 for each additional 100-page increment, or fraction thereof. An additional fee applies for a professional review or preparation of a record summary. Counseling & Psychological Services records staff will inform you of the total cost once the form is received. There is no fee to have your medical or mental health records sent directly to another healthcare provider.
Records are released on a flash drive unless paper is requested. Fees must be paid upfront before processing; requests will not be processed until payment is received. Contact the UHS Cashier Office by calling (510) 642-8450 to pay or make arrangements for payment in person at the SHIP office (3rd floor).
Depending on the time of year, processing may take 14 business days. If your last UHS visit date was before 2010, your chart is filed at our offsite storage facility. Please allow up to 5 weeks for processing time.
Confidentiality |
Patient privacy is a priority at UHS. All mental health records are confidential and cannot be released without the written permission of the patient, except as required by law. For more information, see the UHS Notice of Privacy Practices. |
Revocation of Release Form |
To revoke a previously submitted release of information form, please complete the Revocation Form. The revocation form must be signed by you or your patient representative and delivered to the Health Records Department, University Health Services, 2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720-4300. The revocation will take effect when UHS receives it, except to the extent UHS or others have already relied on it. |
Restricting the use of medical records or disclosure of medical records |
You may request a special restriction on the use or disclosure of your medical records. To request a special restriction, please submit this Restriction Form to the Health Records department for review and determination. |
Requesting a specific type of preferred communication |
You may request that UHS contact you by a different method such as exclusively by mail or phone or you may wish to request that certain methods not be used. If you would like to change your address, please do so by contacting the Registrar’s Office. Please note, that you can also update your local phone number directly on eTang. If you wish to request a preferred communication, please use this Preferred Communication Form.
Amending your record |
If you feel there is an error in your medical record, you may request to amend your records. To request an amendment, please submit the Amendment Form (pdf) to the Health Records department. Your request will be reviewed and responded to as appropriate. |
Accounting of Disclosures |
You may request an accounting of how your Protected Health Information (PHI) was disclosed by UHS, as allowed by federal regulations. To request an accounting of disclosures, please submit the Accounting of Disclosures Form to the Health Records department by mail, fax, or in person. |