UC Berkeley supports the Statement of Reciprocal Services for University of California Student Health Centers:
The Student Health Center (SHC) at each University of California campus gladly offers reciprocal access to its student health services to currently registered students from all other UC campuses under the same conditions that apply to its students not enrolled in its campus Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).
Students enrolled in their home campus SHIP may receive special discounts, benefits, or services at their home campus Student Health Center that are funded by that campus; these unique benefits may not be available at another UC campus.
How it Works
For UC Berkeley students visiting other UC student health centers
- Registered UC Berkeley students may be seen at other UC campuses in the same status as they are registered at UC Berkeley. Each campus operates its student health center differently to best meet the needs of students in their area.
- UC Berkeley students have to pay for medical care at other UC student health centers and get reimbursed through Wellfleet.
- UC Berkeley students should bring their student ID card and a form of billing payment.
For visiting UC students
- Registered students from other UC campuses may be seen at UC Berkeley’s University Health Services (UHS) in the same status they are registered as at their home campus.
- Contact the SHIP office at (510) 642-5700 or email ship@berkeley.edu to register.
- Call the appointment office at (510) 642-2000 or come into the UHS main lobby appointment desk to schedule appointments. Both primary care and urgent care appointments are available.
- Visiting students should bring their student ID card and a form of payment (e.g., credit card or check) for billing. Students on UC SHIP should also bring their UC SHIP ID card or number.
- Charges for services within UHS will be the same as non-SHIP UC Berkeley students; see sample fees listing.
- Non-UC SHIP students must pay at the time of service. They will receive a billing statement and can submit a claim to their private insurance carrier.
- For UC SHIP students, the Tang Center will attempt to bill Anthem Blue Cross instead of charging the student upfront for the full cost of services performed here (the student's home campus usual co-pays/co-insurances will apply and need to be paid at the time of the visit).
Other UC campuses
Each campus operates its student health center differently to best meet the needs of students in their area, and SHIP insurance is not transferable at this time; please check their websites for further information: