For care when UHS is closed, please visit the After Hours Assistance webpage. Find SHIP off-campus in-network providers through the Wellfleet website or mobile app.
Before Leaving Campus for Break, Remember To:
- Schedule any needed UHS appointments. To schedule an appointment: Book online via eTang or call (510) 642-2000 and press option 2. Call between 8 am-4:45 pm.
- Request UHS Pharmacy prescriptions and refills as soon as possible. Contact the UHS Pharmacy via eTang or call (510) 642-3249, and leave a message on our refill line.
- Note UHS closure dates: View UHS Hours webpage or After Hours webpage for more information. UHS is closed on any UC Berkeley Academic and Administrative Holiday
Using SHIP Off Campus:
- Review the How to Use SHIP webpage to learn about how to find off-campus in-network providers.
- Review SHIP dental, vision, and other benefits for provider info, etc.
- Review the Using SHIP abroad handout if you need care outside of the US.
Graduating or Leaving Campus?
- Remember to review the SHIP coverage period and if needed, plan to use SHIP before the end date.
- Begin looking for new insurance coverage. Please review our Insurance After Graduation webpage for information and resources for transitioning your health insurance. You can contact the SHIP office via eTang if you have any questions about getting insurance after graduation.
- Try to request health records at least one month before leaving.
- If needed, request refills and prescription transfers from the UHS Pharmacy before eligibility ends. Be aware of UHS closure dates.