
This nutrition blog features thoughts, tips, and videos from our student Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOW) and UHS Registered Dietitians.

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

February 19, 2020

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is February 24th through March 1st. Since body dissatisfaction is a major risk factor for eating disorders, the UC Berkeley Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOWs) invite you to join us in reflecting on how we can all come together to foster a more positive culture around body image on our campus.

The theme of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is "Come as you are.” This campaign expresses that, regardless of your body shape, weight, race, gender identity, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual...

Gratitude and Mindful Eating

November 21, 2018
As campus take a little holiday hiatus this week from the busy Fall semester, I invite you to slow down and make some time for gratitude. But firstly, what is gratitude? Gratitude is being able to appreciate what gifts and benefits you presently have in life.

Nutrition: About Feel Good Food

March 29, 2021
Food does more than just provide nutrients. It delights our senses, helps us celebrate special occasions, connects us to people, and defines our cultures. We may bake holiday cookies with our families, celebrate move-in day with a pizza with our roommates, cry into our Ben and Jerry’s after a breakup, or Netflix and chili-straight-out-of-the-can in bed when needing some downtime after finals. And that’s OK! Food nourishes our body and soul and can be an important part of our identity.

Fueling Your Body During Hard Times

October 30, 2020

Life is always changing and we have to continuously adapt to a changing world. I know for myself, at least, it's been quite challenging to maneuver school, work, and other commitments. Since school went online I thought it would be easier to juggle more units and extracurriculars, but I was so wrong. If you happened to do the same thing as me, I am sorry but we will get through this.

Part of performing well in school is being in the right headspace and feeling your best. In a time full of so much uncertainty, this can be so challenging to accomplish...

Ask the Dietitian: Home Cooking

April 13, 2017
Q: I know home cooking is cheaper and healthier than restaurant food, but cooking for myself is intimidating. What should I make?

Ask the Dietitian: Freshman 15

September 15, 2016
Q: What is the best way for college students to prevent the “Freshman 15?” A: Ain’t no such thing. The “Freshman 15” is a catchy phrase that was probably created to sell magazines. A meta-analysis of 22 studies including more than 5500 participants showed that college students gained an average of only 3 pounds. That’s a normal weight gain for a student in his or her late teens. We measure growth in kids and teens on growth curves.

Study Session Tips

October 13, 2017
They’re here before we know it; midterms are upon us. For many students, this means prioritizing studying over healthy habits. But exams don’t have to make us set our health aside. There are healthy habits that everyone can pick that not only contribute to overall health but may also improve your brain power while studying. I think I speak for most of us when I say I would like my brain to be working as efficiently as possible when I’m hitting the books. These tips are twofold: they contribute to your health and could help improve your cognition.

Meal Planning and Prepping

November 15, 2019

Your stomach is howling, it’s late, maybe BART was delayed or you got out of lab late, but as you make the trek home you realize you have nothing to eat and that the last thing you want to do is cook, so you order some quick take out to grab on the way. We’ve all felt that hunger, that exhaustion, and all made that decision to get something quick to eat to satisfy our stomachs. It’s the hearty home-cooked meal we want to come home to after a long day, not the sad empty fridge or cold leftovers.

As a member of the Cal Band, coming home late is...

Health at Every Size

December 8, 2017
You can be healthy and fit without being thin. As part of a social movement called Health at Every Size (HAES), dietitians and doctors are moving away from assessing people’s health according to their weight. The HAES philosophy is based on the idea that people of all sizes deserve respect and good health, and that size does not determine health.

Treating Yourself This Season

September 30, 2019

Let me tell you the best things about fall and winter. Well, besides the fashion inspirations and the cooler weather, fall and winter both resurface seasonal treats and beverages that are not around all year. Some of my favorites include pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin pie, and banana bread. October is probably the month when fall finally begins to feel like fall, and treats are a staple due to Halloween. In a time filled with joy and celebration, you may want to experience such delights and you should! Why do people question what they eat or hesitate to pick up a treat? Society has...