Love Cafe Q&A

Crush on My Professor

February 9, 2018
I have a crush on my professor. What should I do?

The Art of Conversation

October 13, 2017
How can you keep a conversation going without all the awkward pauses?

Lab Job Stress

February 2, 2018
I scored a position with the lab of my dreams, but the lead researcher is a really difficult person to work with. I can never do anything right and he never praises any of my hard work. On top of this, he acts like I don't do enough even though I put in more hours than I should. I'm still a student so of course there is a limit to how much time I can spend there. It's starting to stress me out to the point where I think about quitting. What do you think I should do?

Relationship Q&A: Winter 2013

August 1, 2014
My boyfriend and I have our anniversary coming up tomorrow, but we won't be able to see each other and we can't Skype or anything. I still want to do something special for the day though, what do I do?

Workout Buddy

June 2, 2017
Summer is coming and I want to get outdoors and to the gym more. I hate going alone though! What are some tips on roping my friends into coming with me?

Roommate's boyfriend

March 31, 2014
My roommate’s boyfriend is always over at our place. It’s a bit frustrating; because I told her again and again I don’t feel comfortable with her boyfriend sleeping over. Our place is cramped, and a third person is bothersome. I guess she thought a loophole would be to sneak him in after I fell asleep (which is arguably one of the stupidest loopholes I have ever encountered.) Our water and electricity bills got higher after he started coming over. When I brought this up to them, he offered to pay for a third. At first, I thought okay, because that meant fewer bills. But I guess we had a miscommunication, and now her boyfriend feels like he has more of a right to stay over. But he does not.

Into someone who is taken

August 2, 2014
I have a friend that I like, and he likes me too. We didn't like each other from the beginning, and it was all a game when we started chatting. But now we came out with our feelings. We never kissed because I didn't want to, but we did a lot of other stuff. The problem is that he has a girlfriend and I don't think he would leave her, or at least I don't want him to. I like him a lot, but I am not sure if I want to be with him. Sometimes it's great to be with him and I love him, but others it feels wrong.

Romance at work

August 5, 2014
I hooked up with a girl I work with and now it’s a bit awkward, which is affecting our team's progress. What should I do?

How do I overcome my shyness

August 6, 2014
If I’m a shy person, but I have my eye on snagging a Valentine, what are some ways I can go about either being a secret admirer or just being straightforward with this person?

Didn't get the internship

July 7, 2017
"I didn't get the internship that I really wanted and its bumming me out. How can I deal with the feelings of inadequacy that have been coming up?"