Love Cafe Q&A

Friends with Benefits?

November 17, 2017
How do I deal with someone who only wants to be friends with benefits, but I may want more?

Is it a date or not?

April 7, 2017
There's this guy I like, so I asked him to go to a concert with me. He said he would like to but was unable to go. He said though that we could "meet up" another time if I wanted, and asked me to grab coffee and chat with him next week. I just am not sure if he knows that when I asked him to the concert, I was asking him on a date. I only ask because I feel like "grabbing coffee" could be just hanging out as friends, or possibly more. Am I overthinking it?

How do I find love?

February 23, 2018
​How do you find love, in general?

Feeling the Pressure

August 30, 2014
I’ve been feeling a lot of pressure from my peers and myself lately about finding research opportunities. I’m losing sleep, and I feel guilty taking breaks and naps. It’s almost as if I’m not human when I’m so anxious and busy all the time. I even turn down invitations to go out with friends because my schedule is so packed and it feels terrible. I’m trying to change that, but it’s very difficult. And what if I don’t find one that fits my interest or what if it isn’t one of the better ones?

I have a crush on my professor!

July 11, 2014
I have a crush on my professor! What should I do?

Boyfriend threatens to break up

February 10, 2017
Every time we get into a fight, my boyfriend threatens to break up with me. Is he doing this so I say sorry and he wins the fight or does he not want to be in a relationship with me anymore because of our fights?

Q&A: Family

August 26, 2014
I am having trouble with my family. My dad and my mom fight all the time. I often side with my mom in their arguments and understand her reasoning. Although I love my father, he is extremely stubborn and does not want to listen or change his ways. I do not know how to help the situation.

Friendships Q&A

September 8, 2014
I have a friend who has an overly controlling and jealous boyfriend. What is the best approach for this situation if the girl knows the situation she is in but feels she cannot talk to him about it?

Staying healthy in the dorms

October 21, 2016
Dorm plague is rampant in Unit 3. How can I best prevent myself from catching what others have?

Never been in a relationship

July 26, 2014
I have never been in a relationship before, and I wonder if it is because I am too picky. While looking for potential girlfriends, I never seem to find the perfect match: Similar personalities and interests, physical attraction, and reciprocated interest. It always ever seems to be just two at a time. My friends insist I just haven't met the right person. But can I expect to meet such a perfect match or is that just a fairy tale?