
Requests for Documentation

At times, students may need documentation of services received at CAPS to support withdrawal from classes, arrangements with financial aid, accommodations through the Disabled Students Program, and academic accommodations from instructors.

While it is generally not CAPS policy to write letters, counselors can provide other forms of documentation when appropriate. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can provide the following documentation for current and/or previous clients:

Confirmation of Visit(s) Verification of Illness Certification of Psychological Disability.


New Gender Spectrum Support Group

February 28, 2017
Do you identify as non-binary, genderqueer, agender, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, bigender, third gender, androgyne, questioning, etc.? Are you looking for a space to get support and connect with others who identify outside the gender binary? Then come to the Gender Spectrum Support Group! The group will be facilitated by two queer-identified counselors from the Tang Center’s Trans Care Team. Drop-in anytime, no sign-up is needed.

Former Trainees

Andre Casas, The Wright Institute
Stella Ko, Denver University
Nolan Krueger, The University of Texas, Austin
Apoorvee Sawhney, The University of Missouri-Columbia

Paul Eastman, Florida State University
Emily El-Oqlah, The University of Memphis
Jevon Rice, Alliant International University, San Francisco
Monica Becerra, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Sonia Amin, Western Michigan University

Suicide Intervention Training

August 29, 2018
Suicide Intervention and Awareness Education - Fall 2018 Over the last few years, you may have become acquainted with the Look for the Signs App (for students) and the Mental Health Handbook for faculty, staff, and GSIs to assist you in helping someone in distress. One component of that help is understanding when a student may be in danger of suicide. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) would like to offer you unique training specifically to support students who may be thinking about suicide. This pilot training will use a scenario, lecture, and discussion to help you...

Satellite Offices

We understand that connecting with students in other locations on campus serves to break down potential barriers to seeking support. Cultural issues and the stigma of counseling can be barriers. For other students, the Tang Center can feel too far, or too formal a setting. Some graduate students can feel uncomfortable running into the undergraduate students they teach. Making contact with a counselor at a satellite office can help demystify the services provided at UHS.

Most locations are only offering virtual counseling at this time, please...

Professional Training Programs

Thank you for your interest in our training programs at University Health Services.

I hope the information in the links below provides you a sense of what you might gain by participating in one of our training programs. The doctoral internship program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and our postdoctoral fellowship is a member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC).

In addition, we have a nationally recognized two-year Post-MSW Fellowship in Clinical Social Work and a Career...

Online Trainings

Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellness Training

This training will help you think through how students can support other students on campus, and how you can support each other and get connected to valuable resources.

Suicide Awareness training

This training, an introductory overview, will help you understand the warning signs and risk factors associated with thoughts of suicide. You will learn ways to approach and talk to a student about...

Assess Your Well-Being

Anonymous Screening Tool for Mental Health

University Health Services offers anonymous online screenings for a variety of mental health issues through MindWise Innovations. The online screenings may help you determine whether seeking professional consultation would be of benefit to you. These free screenings are available to all UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty members and are taken anonymously.

To begin, please visit the...

Psychiatric Medications and Psychiatry

Medications often can be helpful to students struggling with depression, anxiety and other emotional concerns.

We have a strong commitment to helping students understand their difficulties and to offering a range of options. Our psychiatric clinicians (psychiatrists and nurse practitioners) can meet with students to determine which medications might be helpful and to recommend a course of treatment. Students interested in an evaluation for psychiatric medication need first to meet with a counselor in either Counseling & Psychological Services or Social...