How do my boyfriend and I figure out an acceptable level of PDA?
Initially, we had both agreed to not hold hands in public, but recently I'm getting the impression that he wants me to hold his hand/put my arm through his. I don't want to, though; how do I tell him that I don't like any PDA at all without hurting his feelings?
I feel that the amount of PDA shown should be discussed by the two of you. If you do bring it up, make sure you include your reasoning behind what you want. Don’t just say you don’t want to show PDA, but rather, explain why that amount of PDA seems inappropriate to you. Be reasonable, open-minded, and supportive of one another. Some people who want to show PDA find that PDA is an expression of love. However, there are other ways to express love, and it doesn’t have to be done publicly. Hope this helps. Best of luck, darling. –Jami