Hi there, I’ve been feeling mentally drained, and don’t think I’m giving myself a chance to slow down and be in the moment.
I’m missing lessons, and not meditating on them. I’m taking it pretty hard on myself sometimes. Do you have any solid advice?
This topic seems to be coming up a lot, and for good reason. You’re not alone, and I know, you’ve probably heard it one too many times. I recommend you check out a short video about self-compassion from the Greater Good Center at UC Berkeley. In the video, Kristin Neff, the world's leading researcher of self-compassion and founder of the Mindful Self-Compassion program, explains the core features of self-compassion. She discusses 1) Self-kindness vs. self-judgment, 2) Common humanity vs. Isolation, and 3) Mindfulness vs. Over-identification.
I felt like it spoke true words and maybe, you too, can get something out of it. May you find peace within and take an hour, even half an hour, out of your schedule to relax and do something that makes you happy. –Laura