Expired Medication

No drugs down the drain! 

University Health Services at UC Berkeley accepts expired medications through the MED-Project. If you'd like to bring your prescription in, please call the Pharmacy in advance to make arrangements. This medication drop-off site is open to the public.

Prescription medicines are showing up in streams and rivers throughout the nation and the San Francisco Bay. Government studies have found that 80% of streams in the US have measurable concentrations of prescription drugs including steroids and hormones. Traditional wastewater treatment plants can’t remove these compounds. Disposing of medicines in the trash could accidentally poison pets or be taken by someone.


  • What is the Med-Project? 
    • MED-Project (Medication Education & Disposal) is the entity implementing the Product Stewardship Plan, including the education and outreach programming. There are various sites available for you to properly dispose of medications.
  • How do I bring my medication to UHS?
    • Please call us first to make arrangements. This drop-off site is open to the public.
  • What types of medicine do you accept?
    • All medications in any dosage form and in their original container or a sealed bag, except the below medications. Please remove labels with personal information before bringing in your medication.
  • What times of medication do you not accept?
    • Needles (sharps)
    • Mercury-containing thermometers
    • IV bags
    • Inhalers
    • Bloody or infectious waste
    • Medication from businesses or clinics
    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Aerosols
    • Compressed cylinders
    • Herbal remedies
    • Vitamins/supplements
    • Cosmetics/other personal care products
    • Medical devices
    • Pesticide products
    • Illicit drugs
    • Iodine-containing medications
  • Why shouldn’t I flush my meds?
    • Government studies have found that 80% of streams in the US have measurable concentrations of prescription drugs including steroids and hormones. Traditional wastewater treatment plants can’t remove these compounds.
  • What if this drop-off location doesn't work for me?

Call Us to Arrange a Drop-Off

UHS Pharmacy - (510) 642-3249

Med-Project Brochure

Med project page one of brochure on disposing meds properly