Campus Memorial

Photo of bagpipe player at campus memorial next to wreath of yellow and purple flowers

UC Berkeley will hold its annual memorial recognizing those in the campus community who died, including, academic & faculty, emeriti, staff, students, post-doctorates, and visiting scholars, on Monday, September 15th, 2025.

All are invited to attend this event which will include remarks by Chancellor Lyons, and a reading of the names of those being remembered, followed by music and spoken word. 

In coming together to remember and honor the lives of the deceased, we reach out to our many colleagues and friends who have suffered loss, as we share in a universal human experience. This ceremony symbolizes the care and support that distinguishes the Berkeley community.

UC Berkeley's Campus Memorial 2024 was recorded and can be viewed on the Berkeley Event Page. 

If you have any questions regarding this event or would like to add a person to be remembered, please contact memorial organizers at

For information on visitor parking, please check Parking and Transportation's webpage.

Campus Memorial | Monday, September 9, 2024 | California Hall

Academic & Faculty 

Earl Crawford, Education

Christopher Edley Jr., Law

Paul Hamburg, University Library

Lindsay Harris, Law

Susana Hinojosa, School of Information / University Library

Barbara Kornstein, University Library


Robert Allen, African American Studies

Guitty Azarpay, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Korkut Bardakci, Physics

Robert Brodersen, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Joseph Cerny, Chemistry

Frederick Crews, English

Lowell Dittmer, Social Sciences/Political Science 

Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Ayla Esen Algar, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

John Heilbron, History

Lyn Hejinian, English

Leonard Johnson, French

Angela Little, Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology

Robert Mandell, Optometry

Thomas Marshak, Haas School of Business

Grace Martin Smith, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

James Mitchell, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rainer Sachs, Physics and Math

Milton N. Schroth, College of Natural Resources

Frank Shu, Astronomy

Jane Singh, Ethnic Studies

Jerome Skolnick, Law

Eugene Smolensky, Public Policy

George A. Starr, English

Eleanor Swift, Law

Theodore Van Duzer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

William Welch, Astronomy

David Wood, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management


Pierre Adler, University Development and Alumni Relations

Christanne Banks, CURES

Phyllis Broadnax, Residential Student Services

Roberto Gonzalez, Facilities Services

Lora Graham, University Library

Rebecca Hauser, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Wilbert Howard, Facilities Services 

Joan A. Knudsen, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology

Luke Kreinberg, Haas School of Business

Marilyn Kushner, College of Engineering / Berkeley Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory

 Jane McAlevey, Labor Center

Karen Milligan, Lawrence Hall of Science

Mark Nishikida, Facilities Services

Karla Rush, UCPD

Cameron Sadafi, Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Mary P. Saito, Residential and Student Services Programs

Edward Sanders, Facilities Services

Wayne Shao, Office of Undergraduate Admission

Jack Shnell,  Campus IT Infrastructure

(Dorothy) Annika Smith, Office of Environment, Health, and Safety

Mark Takaro, University Library

Patrick Wachira, Berkeley IT

Misty Willer, Space Sciences Laboratory

Carol Wong, School of Public Health

John Wuorenmaa, Art and Humanities 

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Shams Ansari, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Ashley Hurley, Political Science

Bugeon Kim, Aerospace Engineering

Zane Marshall, Letters and Science

Shaun Paul, Letters and Science

Hayden Pheif, College of Environmental Design

Adrian Reyes, Letters and Science

Jack F. Smythe, Letters and Science

Marco L. Troper, Letters and Science

Austin Tsai, Letters and Science