
TAO Connect

What topics does TAO address?

TAO offers a variety of different modules, some of which include:

collapse all expand all Calming Your Worry

You may select from two versions of this pathway: one focuses on broad life experiences, while the other is tailored to the challenges of the college student. In both versions, you will learn to recognize and understand how your thoughts influence your feelings and behaviors. By...

College Student Mental Health Treatment & Hospitalization: Parent's Guide

McClean Hospital

This booklet is intended for parents of college students and will help you to find more information about mental health care, learn how to take care of yourself while your student is going through a difficult time and find out how other parents have made it through.

Mental Health Handbook

Promoting Student Mental Health Handbook

A comprehensive resource to assist faculty, staff, and GSIs.

Mental Health Handbook A booklet on overall student mental health in UC system

Mental Health Handbook: A booklet on overall student mental health in the UC system...

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) - DBT-RU Channel


The vision of the DBT-RU Youtube channel is to bring the skills used in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to as many people as possible. Here, you can access important tools like mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance, directly from DBT experts.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Clinic at Rutgers University (DBT-RU) is a research and training clinic. DBT-RU is directed by Shireen Rizvi, Ph.D, whose graduate school advisor was Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of DBT. For more resources, check out the links below.

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder - My Living Successfully Plan


Building a plan to stay healthy and continually move toward wellness is a very worthy endeavor. A plan puts you in control of your wellness, and gives you a clear picture of what you're working for everyday.

A wellness plan can also prepare you and your supporters for dealing with the more difficult moments that your condition may bring on.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan

Copeland, M.E.

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) was originally developed by Mary Ellen Copeland and a group of mental health service users who wanted to work on their own recovery – this is what they found worked for them and what helped them recover from their mental health difficulties.

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan is a framework with which you can develop an effective approach to manage distressing symptoms and gain insight into patterns of behavior. It is a tool to help you gain more control over your problems.

Developing your own WRAP will take time, it can be done alone,...

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder


Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance's (DBSA) Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder course is designed to help both people living with a mood disorder as well as friends and family learn more about depression and bipolar disorder, find effective treatments, and create a plan for living well with these conditions.

This website features video courses, workbooks, and handouts.