Stressed and Cranky Roommate

June 4, 2016

I have had the same roommate for two years and consider her a good friend. I know this semester has been hectic, but my roommate uses this as an excuse to snap at me. She does this to other people as well. Should I say something to her? Or should I ignore it? What are ways I can be supportive of her through really stressful times?

I know how hard it can be when someone you’ve known for some time starts acting differently. The good thing about this is that you know she isn’t like this usually. Also, because you’ve noticed that she’s been doing this to other people, not just you, you can infer that the cause behind her attitude isn’t a personal problem between you two. A good first move before confronting her about her attitude may be figuring out the little things she may need. For example, check in with her and ask how she's doing, invite her to study with you, plan dinner, etc. If she is still acting snappy after you increase your support, then I would sit down with her and tell her that you will always be there for her during her stressful times, but you would also appreciate it if she didn’t take her stress out on you. Good luck! Love, Simran