Be Well Game Plan

What is your be well game plan?

Background image: Images of UC Berkeley Students

Include living a balanced and fulfilled life as part of your definition of success!

Taking charge of your wellness is key to feeling satisfied with your college experience. UC Berkeley is a diverse campus with students from many different backgrounds. We understand that one size does not fit all. We encourage you to use these resources in a way that fits your needs.

Areas of wellness

There are various dimensions to wellness and there doesn't have to be a balance among all dimensions. The goal is to find a personal harmony with the dimensions that feel most authentic and fruitful for you.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness encompasses the knowledge and skills to identify personal feelings and the ability to handle those emotions.

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to finances including knowledge and skills in financial planning and managing expenses.

Occupational / Vocational Wellness

Occupational/Vocational wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to personal satisfaction in your work, whether that be academic work while in college or a job after graduation.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness encompasses all areas of health that relate to the body including, nutrition, exercise, ergonomics, sleep, and more.

Social Wellness

Social wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to social connections, relationships, and personal expression.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to the search for purpose and meaning in life.